Why Motivation is Crap & Discipline is Your Only Chance at Success

Allison Wojtowecz
7 min readAug 4, 2018

Motivation & discipline. These two words seem to be used interchangeably, especially in the health space. And when a coach preaches motivation, it instantly makes me believe them less.



I won’t say they’re mutually exclusive, but we need to shift the way we think about how these two desirable qualities work. On their own, together, and how to apply them in our lives when they’re around.

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Discipline and Motivation: defined

This merits a little vocabulary lesson. According to a quick google definition search, the definitions for each are the following…

  • Discipline: (v) To train by instruction and exercise; drill.
  • Motivation: (n) The general desire or willingness of someone to do something. (1)

If you’re going to take one thing from this article, it was just given to you in the above definitions.

Motivation only exists as a noun. But discipline has a verb form. In other words, discipline is something you do, and choose to do; motivation is a thing that can come and go, which you cannot choose to do or control.

Furthermore: you are never…



Allison Wojtowecz

Founder of Flabs to Fitness, actress, stand-up comedian. Loves Texas, Travel, and something else that starts with a T. I'm sure of it.