Grant Proposal for Flamma Testnet Faucet

3 min readMay 22, 2024


Executive Summary

The Flamma Testnet Faucet Grant Program (TFGP) project is designed to provide developers with a reliable and consistent source of testnet tokens — FLA, to facilitate the development and testing of decentralized applications on the Flamma network. This initiative addresses the challenges developers face in acquiring testnet tokens and aims to streamline the development process, ensuring a robust and vibrant ecosystem. The faucet will allow users to claim one FLA token per day per address, thereby supporting continuous and comprehensive testing efforts.


The primary objectives of the Flamma Testnet Faucet project are as follows:

1. Ensure Accessibility: Provide a user-friendly platform where developers can easily obtain testnet FLA tokens.
2. Support Development: Aid developers in testing their smart contracts and applications without the barrier of token scarcity.
3. Promote Ecosystem Growth: Encourage more developers to build on the Flamma network by reducing friction in the development process.
4. Improve Network Stability: Facilitate extensive testing, which will help identify and resolve potential issues in the Flamma network before they affect the mainnet.
5. Daily Token Distribution: Implement a fair and consistent distribution model where each address can claim one FLA token per day.

Project Timeline

The project timeline outlines the key phases and milestones for the Flamma Testnet Faucet project:

1. Planning Phase (Starting):
— Define project scope and requirements.
— Develop detailed project plan and timelines.

2. Development Phase (Months 1):
— Design and develop the faucet website.
— Implement the daily token distribution mechanism.
— Conduct internal testing and quality assurance.

3. Testing Phase and Launch (Month 2):
— Launch the beta version of the faucet for public testing.
— Gather feedback from users and make necessary adjustments.

— Officially launch the Flamma Testnet Faucet.
— Promote the faucet to the developer community.

5. Maintenance Phase (Ongoing):
— Monitor the performance and stability of the faucet.
— Provide continuous support and updates as needed.


The budget for the Flamma Testnet Faucet project includes the following components:

1. Development Costs:
— Website development and design: $5,000
— Backend development and integration: $10,000

2. Testing and Quality Assurance:
— Internal testing: $1,000
— Beta testing support: $3,000

4. Maintenance and Support:
— Ongoing maintenance and updates: $5,000 per year

5. Miscellaneous:
— Contingency fund: $5,000

Total Budget: $29,000

Additionally, include an FLA token reward of 6.8 million FLA, with a lock-up period of 3 years.

The Flamma Testnet Faucet project is a strategic initiative to support the Flamma developer community by providing a reliable source of testnet tokens. By implementing a user-friendly faucet with a daily token distribution mechanism, we aim to remove barriers to development and encourage the growth of a robust and innovative ecosystem. With a well-defined timeline and budget, this project is positioned to make a significant impact on the Flamma network, ultimately contributing to its long-term success and stability.

About Us:

Flamma is a sequence-based blockchain designed for large-scale commercial applications. It features a high-performance network suitable for various use cases, including finance, payments, and gaming. The Flamma Network is open, interoperable, and decentralized, allowing anyone to quickly build super applications on its platform.

