Launching Speakerdex 🚀

A place for speakers to share talks and for event organisers to find them.

Michael Flarup
3 min readAug 10, 2017 is a new platform for speakers to share their talks and connect

I have experienced first-hand how giving talks is a great source of personal and career growth. I can hardly count the number of adventures I have been on because I said yes to speak at events.

I have also organised a few conferences and meetups in Copenhagen. In many ways you could say that I have been “on both sides of the table” when it comes to giving talks and arranging events.

It has always struck me how difficult and opaque this whole process is both for speakers, would-be speakers and organisers. I think we can do a lot to improve the process of presenting talks and connecting with other speakers and events. We could also be better at expanding the diversity of stories available for conferences to host.

I have had this idea for the longest time, and after 6 months of crunching I’m so happy to finally be able to invite others to try it. We’re calling it Speakerdex and it’s a place for speakers to catalog and share their talks (or the talks they want to be giving)– in turn making it a lot easier for event organisers and other interested parties to find and book them. It’s essentially productifying presentations and making the whole speaking-landscape more transparent. The overall goal is to help more people give more talks!

There’s a million things we’d like to do with this, but first and foremost we want to make it a place where anyone interested in giving talks (either established speakers or someone with the first idea for a presentation) would want to share it.

If enough people support something like this, we could democratize public speaking, create a much more transparent and diverse landscape of talks offered and open up possibilities for a large group of people who never thought that giving talks was within their reach.

👉 Sign up at

I’m looking forward to seeing what you’d like to talk about.

is a Danish designer, entrepreneur & keynote speaker. He runs entertainment development studio Northplay, Pixelresort and design resource platform Apply Pixels.



Michael Flarup

Designer, entrepreneur & keynote speaker. I love making things, going on adventures and telling stories.