Benefits of being whitelisted

Flat for Flip
2 min readMay 18, 2022


We have recently announced the date of minting, which is May 31 at 16:00 CET. However, only whitelisted wallets will be able to participate in the presale event. Till now, there were numerous contests and giveaways for our WL spots, and we rewarded our most active followers with those spots for their contribution to the Flat for Flip (FFF) community.

We have discussed project benefits in our first article, so today we will focus on what benefits are there for whitelisted members. There are a lot. One most noticeable is that FFF NFTs will cost only 0.2 ETH at presale, which is 50% less than the public sale price. Getting on the list can save you a lot of money.

WL spot also guarantees you a priority purchase. This means that you will be at in advantage over buyers on public sale. Keep in mind, however, that it doesn’t guarantee that other WL members won’t buy all NFTs available in the collection before you. 30% of our whitelisted members declared to buy 2 or more FFF NFTs on presale.

7777 NFTs in FFF collection are all unique and have a lot of different properties. Naturally, some will be more rare and expensive. Being among the first buyers means better chances at minting the most expensive apartment in a collection.

One of the most interesting benefits is that every minter will receive 3% from each consecutive resales of the apartment he minted on presale. So while the price will continuously grow, you will still passively earn income even if you decide to sell your FFF NFT.

Join our Early Access program to get the most out of FFF NFT collection and participate in presale.

