🔥 Enhancing Scalability and Structure in Flutter App Architecture

Flaviu Bura
3 min readJul 27, 2023



As mobile applications grow in complexity, developers often find themselves grappling with messy code and overwhelming tasks. To tackle this challenge, a robust architecture with a focus on flexibility becomes crucial. In this article, we explore a colorful and innovative approach to scale and optimize the Presentation Layer in Flutter apps while retaining technical excellence.

The Power of Clean Architecture

At the heart of any scalable app lies the Clean Architecture, comprising core, data, and domain layers. By adhering to the SOLID principles, developers create a flexible Data Layer with single-responsibility repositories and well-structured remote data APIs. A strong, clean, and adaptable Domain/Data Layer follows, featuring lightweight entities and intuitive repository contracts. However, the ultimate test of scalability lies in the Presentation Layer, where Flutter truly shines.

Empowering the Presentation Layer

The Presentation Layer determines the app’s visual appeal and user experience, making it a critical aspect of Flutter development. Traditionally, developers organize the Presentation Layer using folders for each screen, complete with blocs and widgets like this:

- presentation
- pages
- screen_1
- blocs (events/states exclusive to screen_1.dart)
- widgets (all widgets exclusive to screen_1.dart)
- screen_1.dart
- screen_2
- shared_blocs (shared blocs among the screens)
- shared_widgets (shared widgets among the screens)

While effective, this approach faces challenges when dealing with components that blur the lines between screens and features.

Defining the Scaling Problem

Enter the scaling problem — a conundrum arising from the need to accommodate complex components such as dialogues, bottom sheets, and fragments. These elements, while serving specific purposes, can become as extensive as entire screens, requiring exclusive logic, blocs, and widgets. Organizing them becomes a cumbersome task, potentially impacting the overall architecture.


  • Screen: A distinct page in the app, such as the profile page or login page. It represents a complete unit of functionality compared to other features.
  • Fragment: A subsection of a screen. A screen can consist of multiple fragments, each serving a specific purpose.

Problem 1: Dialogs

When it comes to integrating dialogues into the architecture, a question arises: should we treat dialogues as separate pages with their own widgets and logic? Alternatively, could they be treated as fragments, considering their contextual nature within the app?

Problem 2: Bottom Sheets

Bottom sheets, being versatile components, might require independent logic exclusive to themselves. However, this can lead to extensive bottom sheets, potentially reaching the size of an entire screen.

Proposed Solution: Enhanced Folder Structure

To address the scaling problem and create a more efficient structure, we propose an enhanced folder organization within the Presentation Layer. Behold the PERIPHERALS folder — a game-changer for Flutter app architecture.


The PERIPHERALS folder revolutionizes the way we manage components like dialogues, bottom sheets, and fragments.

Under this approach, the folder structure becomes more intuitive and streamlined, leading to a lighter and more organized project.

Reimagining the Folder Structure

Let’s take a closer look at the enhanced folder structure:

- Presentation
- pages
- screen_1
- bloc (events/states exclusively related to screen_1.dart)
- peripherals
- dialogs
- widgets (all exclusive widgets for dialog.dart)
- bloc (events/states exclusively related to dialog.dart)
- dialog.dart
- bottom_sheets
- widgets (all exclusive widgets for bottom_sheets.dart)
- bloc (events/states only related to bottom_sheets.dart)
- bottom_sheets.dart
- fragments
- widgets (all exclusive widgets for fragment.dart)
- bloc (events/states only related to fragment.dart)
- fragment.dart
- widgets (all exclusive widgets for screen_1.dart)
- screen_1.dart
- screen_2
- shared_blocs (shared blocs among the screens)
- shared_widgets (shared widgets among the screens)


The PERIPHERALS folder introduces significant advantages to your Flutter development process:

  1. Enhanced Scalability: By grouping dialogues, bottom sheets, and fragments separately, your project can scale effortlessly. Each component retains its logic and widgets, simplifying future modifications and additions.
  2. Improved Project Navigation: With a cleaner structure, developers can find specific components more swiftly, boosting productivity and teamwork.
  3. Easy Onboarding: New team members can quickly grasp the architecture, thanks to the improved organization. Understanding screens and their accompanying elements becomes a breeze.
  4. Efficient Development: The PERIPHERALS folder optimizes development time, reducing complexities and allowing developers to focus on creating outstanding user experiences.

Join the Conversation

I’m curious to hear from the Flutter community! Share your opinions and insights on this innovative architecture on LinkedIn . Let’s optimize the way we build scalable and captivating Flutter apps together.

Thank you for reading, and I’m looking forward to exploring the future of Flutter development and architecture!

