Crypto Airdrops (Where to find them?)

find upcoming airdrops and maximum returns. this is mainly for sub 5 fig ports, but can be leveraged to 6 figures by being active in crypto. hope you enjoy.

2 min readApr 1, 2022

What is a “airdrop”? An airdrop is where you receive free tokens in exchange for promoting or being an early supporter. Think of it as a marketing strategy for new businesses entering the crypto scene.

How do I qualify for an airdrop? It depends on the airdrop. Usually you have to cross-bridge, hold a certain amount of x tokens, interact with the protocol, etc. Each airdrop is different so I recommend you checking their website.

Are airdrops worth it? Over the last two years there has been over 200+ airdrops estimating about 300k+ USD just by being active with the crypto scene. Most known airdrops are UNI, COPE, DYDX, etc.

Where do I find airdrops? A good start is just participating on crypto twitter and being active. However, there is a website that not a lot of people know which is called that tells you about upcoming airdrops. This allows you to track airdrops and see if you have any unclaimed tokens in old wallets as well. Another website is && && to help you explore the defi eco system and participate in by doing swaps, staking, etc. Other than that being active or twitter / research new coins, whitepapers, is a good step to take.

The most recent airdrop was cowswap (vCow) march 28th 2022 they gave about 20–50k tokens based on activity. About 20k-30k USD in value from posting this. Doing swaps on multiple drops this can be leveraged into 6 figure airdrop.

Some other cool articles about this topic / accounts that I recommend reading from is William M. Peaster, Darren Lau, and yyctrader that have talked about airdrops/have spreadsheets on twitter. That’s all I have today. Hope you enjoyed this small thread I cannot give all the cookies out though. Remember to stay safe out there and understand what you are approving when you claim airdrops. -m4

Make sure to follow me on twitter @flclcapital

sailing in the right direction

