Illumongnati and the 2nd Reward

5 min readJan 16, 2024


The game hasn’t even started

A very eventful night for the seekers!

At this second in time, the clock on entervalhalla has about 9 hours left. A light shines behind the pyramid — and the lock is open.

clicking the lock prompts you to connect your wallet! Exciting indeed.

When you enter, you’re given a number… but let’s circle back to that because a whole lot happened between now and when the first reward was found.

Earlier yesterday, everyone was monitoring the binary code changes on the website and digging for new clues. One of the binary messages read “a clue is often a piece of a bigger puzzle”, and for the 2nd reward this is true.

The first piece of this puzzle turned out to be the hidden link of the pond image. The author’s name was a string of random characters. Could certainly mean something. (spoiler, it did).

The Brad Sherman audio clip referenced in part 1 and sourced here: did turn out to be morse code. Another string of random characters. These are most certainly related, likely making up parts of another private key, right? Not enough characters though — There’s another part.

or was “30 6 4+1 24 when 1 is cold” a part of this puzzle? Maybe something in the whisperingmongs image. Or maybe all the hints about time was saying we had to wait.

Then the binary spit out another audio file.

Yelling about Bitcoin going to zero. Then some simple piano. Are these notes? I don’t know musical notes! There’s some squeaky annoying high frequency whine in the background. I head back to see what everyone’s talking about.

I’m completely lost at this point and just looking for more clues, looking back on earlier clues, reading telegram.

Well Christian decided to run that audio through spectrum analysis. Because of course, right? (at this point I clearly don’t know who I’m dealing with — doctors? Scientists? Is this an episode of The Big Bang Theory? Turns out to be the right move because the output looked something like this:

And for those of us without doctorates in cryptology or high security clearance at Interpol, this is of course an extended pigpen cipher that ultimately spit out the third part of what we’ve been waiting for, the second private key.


27 dollars in Eth. Somewhat ant-climactic given how hard this was, right? Also of note, the wallet that put the eth in that wallet is a pretty big, pretty interesting wallet. I tried looking through it, but I don’t always know what I’m looking at anyway. Didn’t get any info.

Then from the binary comes: “in shadows I linger, when you think I’m gone, a whisper rekindles, the mystery carries on”

And a bit later:

Well I’ll be…

Roots? Tap? — With Unity and Sat my name is made? Kz6Q7KECf….. WE HAVE A PRIVATE KEY FOR BITCOIN!

But we didn’t. It didn’t work. Invalid Key. 50 characters.

Garbinsky opened up a space. Discussion. Rabbit holes. How is it not a private key? Did it actually point to this thing, or that thing, let’s look here..

Someone posted in telegram that they got a slightly different code when translating the UTF. Still didn’t work. I tried to grab it myself, didn’t work. Maybe taking off the last “=” in the code… didn’t work. The front part and back part were the same, it was the middle 5 or 6 characters that came out weird. Now was that strange “30 6 4+1 24 when 1 is cold” clue going to be helpful? No, not to me, I don’t understand that one at all. “From unity I arise, subtract me once and 2 will surprise”. Yeah, I don’t quite get that one either..

I put all the K code results on my spreadsheet and it was getting late. Tried a couple more times though, I had nothing else to go on. Then it happened.

I don’t even remember which one I grabbed to input the private key, but this time it worked. And OMG.

gonna have a heart attack


Fumbling around with other wallets I couldn’t find my xverse password! AHH, now I can’t find my seed phrase book! Found it! Tried sending to another wallet and couldn’t. Posted it in the telegram. The homey Pawn sent some coin my way and I got it out. Whew.

But that’s not even where the night ended.

Because Garbinsky’s time theory was right!

You better be following Garbinsky @notgarbinsky on X for actual genius insight and way faster updates than I’m doing. I’m mostly just cataloging this thing for posterity sake.

So that brings us back to the top. The lock is open. The light is shining. Numbers are appearing. Time is ticking away. What happens in 8 hours??



That being said, I have some catching up to do and re-arranging to take care of on my spreadsheets — so Please, again, feel free to contact me with things I’m missing, stories about your illumongnati experience, thoughts, theories, anything! I want to put together a somewhat comprehensive sheet on how this is all unfolding and all the happenings surrounding it.

Very exciting stuff.


