What is going on with MONG?

3 min readJan 19, 2024


Questions and even criticisms are pouring in. For those who find themselves out of the loop somehow, honestly, how are you out of the loop? If you paid a modicum of attention you would know this has all be foretold. You’ve been told that Illumongnati is coming for MONTHS.

Have you not seen these?

For months now the Mong Coin account has been posting mysterious images, dropping clues, making us decipher code and speculate in every direction of what Illumongnati is about.

Illumongnati has been in the works, diligently and painstakingly planned with detail and puzzles that are unrivaled in the meme coin space. Somehow this is a surprise to some, however. People we haven’t seen in a while, or people we’ve never seen, come in with many questions and reactions to what is unfolding as seen from afar.

How does this benefit Mong? Why more coins? Why rebrand? Why dilute? I thought this was supposed to help Mong, why is price down?


Look, everyone’s most certainly welcome to come in the telegram and ask questions no matter how long it’s been since you’ve last been there. But understand — most people regulartly in the telegram have been paying attention and are a bit busy and excited with what’s going on. It’s a trip. Asking price questions or offering your soft-fud opinions just sort of throws us of track. We’re experiencing Illumongnati. So are you. You might not get the best individually catered response, because your questions might be perceived in a fashion you didn’t mean.

Understand this too — and this is important. If you’re looking for an answer to what is going on, what is the end game, what does all this mean, how does this all end… WE DON’T KNOW YET. That’s the game!

Look at these guys. Do they look like they’re going to give you a straight answer and solve Illumongnati for you today?

I can only offer you previously spoken mantra:

“gamified social experiment” “dig deeper” “next chapter” “engagement” “will you be ready this time?” “what’s the difference between jam and jelly” “which side will you choose?”

most importantly


This highly anticipated and thoroughly planned campaign is underway. There will be questions. There will be answers. For many, there will be sleepless nights. For some, there will be fear. For you, standing at the crossroads, there is choice.

  • Dive in and explore Illumongnati
  • Watch from the sidelines
  • Ignore Mong

The cool part about it? Everyone wins.

Have fun with it. Or don’t. Choose red. Choose blue. Or don’t. Does it matter? Maybe. Maybe not. Again, All Roads Lead To MONG. In fact, one of my favorite Mongs of all time decided to be on Team Red. I’m on Team Blue. While I wish shame upon his house for eternity, he’s also going to be my homey at the conclusion of all this. Perhaps.

For the time being, and this is only my opinion, take this all as a game. Take the red and blue coins as just poker chips to play the game instead of an investment vehicle. I know we all want all the coins to reach high marketcaps, but it could be — could possibly be, that these are just tokens to play around with and perhaps even temporarily.


The things to take away from this shitty article are:

Mong Team is cooking. It’s a pretty big deal.

There’s a beginning and an end.

It’s fun if you dive in, but you still win if you don’t.

Mongs cannot die. (I feel like the last 2 years should have convinced everyone by now.)


Want to get caught up? Here’s articles.

Part 1 — Illumongnati Arrives

Illumongnati and the 2nd Reward

Now, if you don’t mind, I’m trying to work on the next article because things are changing and it’s only getting crazier from here.



