The Quantum Computing Revolution: What You Need to Know

Flemming Rosborg
6 min readOct 27, 2023


In the fast-paced world of quantum computing, exciting developments are taking place, and it’s time to unravel the mysteries surrounding this ground-breaking technology. The quantum era is upon us, and we’re witnessing quantum computers transitioning from high-tech experimental devices to tools with real-world applications.

What Is a Quantum Computer?

Before we delve into the latest advancements, let’s break down what a quantum computer is. In the realm of traditional computing, we’re accustomed to digital computers that operate with binary digits (0s and 1s) and analog computers that manipulate continuously varying numbers. However, quantum computers are entirely different creatures, harnessing the power of complex numbers.

Complex numbers, a concept dating back to the 16th century, were initially invented to solve mathematical challenges, such as finding the square root of negative numbers. Remarkably, they turned out to be a natural fit for describing the intricate details of light and matter, thanks to the advent of quantum physics in the 20th century.

In the 1990s, the worlds of physics and computer science collided when researchers discovered that certain problems could be solved exponentially faster using quantum algorithms that work directly with complex numbers, as dictated by quantum physics. This revelation gave birth to quantum computing, a field with immense promise and transformative potential.

Why Quantum Computing Matters

Quantum computing

Now, let’s answer the pressing question: Why does quantum computing matter? Although quantum computing is still in its infancy, it has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. While many of the problems quantum computers will solve are steeped in abstract mathematics, the impact will extend to practical applications.

One of the earliest and most crucial applications is in the realm of cryptography. Quantum computers have the power to crack today’s internet encryption algorithms, necessitating the development of quantum-resistant cryptographic technology. This is a fundamental step in securing our digital world and achieving a fully quantum internet.

Quantum computers also promise significant advancements in materials science by simulating atomic-scale molecular structures, expediting the discovery of new materials for applications in batteries, pharmaceuticals, and other chemistry-based domains.

In addition, quantum computers will dramatically accelerate complex optimization problems. These capabilities will facilitate tackling larger-scale challenges in logistics, finance, and weather forecasting, making previously insurmountable problems solvable.

Moreover, machine learning stands to benefit from quantum computing. This can occur either indirectly, by speeding up subroutines in traditional computers, or directly, by reimagining quantum computers as learning machines, potentially revolutionizing the field of artificial intelligence and data analysis.

The Current Landscape

In 2023, quantum computing is no longer confined to university laboratories. It has entered industrial research and development facilities, fueled by significant investments from multinational corporations and venture capitalists. Notably, leading companies in this field have made considerable progress.

However, it’s essential to understand that contemporary quantum computing prototypes, as built by companies like IBM, Google, IonQ, and Rigetti, are far from perfect. These machines are relatively small and susceptible to errors, categorizing them as “noisy intermediate-scale quantum” devices. The fragile nature of quantum systems makes them prone to various sources of error, a significant technical challenge.

The ultimate goal is to develop large-scale quantum computers capable of self-correction. A multitude of research groups and commercial enterprises are diligently pursuing this goal through various technological approaches.

The Quantum Technologies: Superconductors, Ions, Silicon, and Photons

Leading companies in quantum computing are exploring different technological approaches. Google, IBM, and Rigetti are using superconducting circuits to store and manipulate quantum information. Meanwhile, IonQ and Honeywell have championed the “trapped ion” technology, harnessing the stability of electrically charged atomic particles.

A third path involves confining electrons within tiny semiconductor particles, which can be integrated into the established silicon technology used in classical computing. Silicon Quantum Computing is a notable player in this endeavour. Another direction is the use of individual particles of light, or photons, which can be manipulated with high fidelity. Companies like PsiQuantum are designing intricate “guided light” circuits for quantum computations.

The Quantum Future

Predicting the future of quantum computing is a challenging task, akin to forecasting flying cars but ending up with camera-equipped smartphones. Nevertheless, several key milestones are expected in the coming decade:

Better Error Correction: The transition from noisy quantum devices to small, error-corrected devices capable of sustained computation is anticipated.

Post-Quantum Cryptography: The establishment and adoption of cryptographic standards impervious to quantum computers will become a reality.

Commercial Applications: Quantum sensing and other applications of quantum technology will come to fruition.

Quantum Advantage: The demonstration of compelling applications where quantum devices surpass digital alternatives will emerge.

Error-Free Large-Scale Quantum Computers: As an ambitious stretch goal for the decade, the creation of large-scale quantum computers free of errors through active error correction is on the horizon.

When this milestone is achieved, the 21st century will unquestionably be known as the “quantum era,” promising to transform science, technology, and our understanding of the world in ways we can barely fathom today.

The Quantum Computing Race: Scaling up and correcting errors

As we witness the quantum computing revolution, the race is on to scale up these remarkable machines and address the inherent challenges they pose. In 2022, IBM made headlines with its 433-qubit Osprey chip, pushing the boundaries of quantum computing capabilities. But the quantum field is moving at an unprecedented pace.

Atom Quantum Computing

Just recently, Atom Computing, a pioneering quantum technology company, announced a ground-breaking achievement — a 1,180-qubit neutral atom quantum computer, surpassing IBM’s milestone. This achievement marks a significant advancement, as Atom Computing employs a unique approach.

Their quantum machine operates on a grid of atoms held in place and manipulated by lasers within a vacuum chamber. The company’s first prototype featured a 10-by-10 grid of strontium atoms, comprising 100 qubits. The latest iteration boasts a 35-by-35 grid of ytterbium atoms, with space for 1,225 atoms, although they have conducted tests with 1,180 qubits.

Atom Computing’s focus on neutral atoms, atoms without an electric charge, offers several distinct advantages. These atoms can maintain their quantum state for longer periods, making them ideal for large-scale quantum systems. In contrast, other qubit technologies, such as superconducting qubits, are more vulnerable to noise and manufacturing flaws. Neutral atoms can also be densely packed into the same space, as their lack of electric charge minimizes interference with neighbouring qubits. Moreover, neutral atoms allow for a room-temperature setup, diverging from the ultra-cold temperatures required by many other quantum computers.

Atom Computing’s rapid progress is noteworthy. In just two years, they have increased their qubit count by an order of magnitude, and they envision a future where millions of qubits can fit within a space less than a cubic centimeter.

However, it’s essential to recognize that quantum computers are highly sensitive to disruptions, and error correction is a crucial challenge. As qubits can be knocked out of their quantum states by stray magnetic fields or gas particles, minimizing errors is essential for reliable computations. Atom Computing has made strides in error correction by checking for errors mid-calculation and potentially fixing them without interrupting the process. Research papers have also shown promising progress in reducing errors in neutral atom quantum computing.

In addition to error correction, IBM has made advancements in error correction codes for quantum computing, potentially reducing the number of qubits needed for practical quantum computing. Nevertheless, the quest for large-scale, fault-tolerant quantum computers is ongoing, with challenges like efficiently moving and entangling an increasing number of atoms.

While Atom Computing’s 1,000-qubit achievement is impressive, it’s not likely to stand alone for long, as IBM is on track to complete its 1,121-qubit Condor chip. The field of quantum computing is still in its early stages, with these machines primarily used for research and experimentation. However, the focus on both scaling and error correction is encouraging, and the quantum era promises to bring transformative solutions to problems that were once considered insurmountable by traditional computers.

The future of quantum computing is bright, and the potential for breakthroughs that can reshape our world is within reach.

