The Flesh — Welcoming

The Flesh
4 min readSep 13, 2018


I am The Flesh and consider me as an Anti — Silicon — Valley!

I like to remove my name from all the articles that I write — for many obvious reasons,

Here are list of reasons why I decided to be an anonymous writer and encourage you to do the same

  1. You would not afraid of all the consequences that potentially would happen for you if people search your name on the internet.
  2. You do not be judged by your age, gender!
  3. You do not be judged by your pedagogy!I was in a brutal conversation with someone — of course from HBS, I told him all background and what I did. He said to me! You did not even list your college in your LinkedIn and pedagogy is important to me. This was a huge blocker — he did not even interested in talking with me until I mentioned my college name.
  4. Access instead of creativity — our society is broken because universities sell “access” rather than being an ecosystem for creativity! Especially this getting worse for MBA students — all they want to do in their life is to “connect” with each other. What do want to do? no one knows!
  5. You are free! You can tell about anything you want! And this is a luxury! I do not think freedom of speech is real! “Freedom of Speech” is in our constitution. But what leads to the freedom of speech is not “law”, it is a culture. If you post something on twitter, you get attacked with lots and lots and lots of people.
  6. You do not waste time justifying stupids — here in Silicon Valley, people call it “feedback” instead of justifying stupids :O
  7. You do not afraid of posting a shitty work. Iteration makes perfection. People have fear of public speaking, I have a fear of public writing and in the real world, I try to be a perfectionist — as an anonymous writer, I do not give a s** if I do not make sense
  8. You do not afraid of changing your mind Public for the reason I do not know why? Expect you always have a same mindset — with this mindset you eventually entering a series of recursion cycle of false belief — and never enter in exponential belief updates (this is such an SV term — (everyone here like these phrases Billion — Dollar Sign — Unicorn and Exponential). Especially when you are known at something — even if you are not a public figure — people always refer you to X — and it is hard to argue with every single person that you are not any longer X.
  9. Not activity looking for what is wrong with me? If you are abnormal, you start digging all books to find psychological ideas that resonate with you. A brilliant friend of mine, who I admire a lot is constantly called himself ADHD — since he compares himself with others all the time and looking for brilliance and pedagogy. People like myself and him constantly suffer from depression. But the TURTH is that I may not feel depressed if I accept being an outlier and be able to express myself instead of trying to figure out what is wrong with me. I am just an outlier.
  10. Not afraid if you do not get things done because you have a gut to start. Lots of Leonardo Da Vinci best paintings were half finished! Because he lost his enthusiasm in the middle — but he had a gut to start. Most people not even start anything because they are afraid of failure that they work might not be original.
  11. I figured I write 10x faster when I am writing for myself — and anonymously for others. In fact, I can publish one article per day! But if my writings are going to be seen with others, I spend hours hours hours and my fear does not let me to even start nor publish
  12. You do not try to impress people, you write for pure satisfaction
  13. You can express your idea, you can promise, you can say things that you think is most important.

A bit of my personal history:

Lastly, in college, I took lots of writing / professional English class! I failed all most all of them — barely passed — my GPA got into 2.5 because of my English Writing Class. I was not able to go to grad school because of my GPA.

All of the classes have those fancy techniques how writing it should be! But all those techniques were BS! Cause there were a bunch of dead people! And no one was interested in what I wanted to say, and no one ever told me I have a problem with my writing because of my fear — lets of solving it: write anonymously.

To be all said, I start posting anonymously about my feeling, complain, both anti and pro-Silicon Valley, some nerd science controversial ideas I have.

Please comment, say anything you want, email me :)

I will keep you updated — potentially with my rough draft writing.

