Artificial intelligence (AI) 💢

Jacek Fleszar
Mar 31, 2023


  1. Experiment with generative AI tools yourself. Use it for all types of media: Text, audio, image, and video. And learn about both, its opportunities and limitations.
  2. Engage in discussions and be prepared to adapt your position based on new information: Where can this AI trend go? How does the future of work look? What could be the impact of AI that generates output vs recommend/ classify information?

3. Follow a mix of objective news coverage for facts and respected thought leaders in the industry for additional context and commentary.

One thing is for certain these days: There’s no shortage of AI-related news on any given day. We’re seeing the latest tech hype unfold in front of our eyes — and we’re the main protagonists in that story.



Jacek Fleszar

Data Science||Artificial Intelligence||Programmer 👈