What Are Microservices??

Jacek Fleszar
4 min readAug 23, 2023


Microservices are a type of service-oriented architecture that is used to develop multifunctional and complex applications. Instead of creating a complete software unit, developers can add small services to create software.

Microservices are a way to divide monolithic, single-purpose applications into smaller parts. A successful project starts with the right framework choice, which is the key to the success of a project. Discover the top Microservices frameworks for 2023 to pick the right one for your needs.

Image by Jacek Fleszar

Using microservices, or microservice architecture, allows developers to divide work between modules and services to create large applications. The modules carry out specific tasks or achieve specific business goals using simple, well-defined interfaces, like application programming interfaces (APIs).

Top 5 Compelling Microservices Frameworks To Develop High-Quality Scalable Applications:

1.) Spring Boot

Probably the easiest Java framework for creating microservices. With its open-source nature, it is jam-packed with features. Aside from that, it is easy to install on virtually any platform.

In addition to providing a solid backstop, it provides an expansive developer community network with response times that are second to none.

Security, auto-configuration, automatic dependency resolution, and several other services are also available, which speed up app development.

 — Spring Boot allows the monitoring of multiple components at once.
 — With load balancing, traffic is distributed in tiny chunks, allowing maximum throughput.
 — It leverages the publish-subscribe (pub-sub) paradigm to provide a distributed messaging system.💢

Link Spring:

https://spring.io/blog/2015/07/14/microservices-with-spring 👈

Image by Jacek Fleszar

2.) Golang:

Google-backed Go programming language has gained popularity among microservices developers. Microservices can easily be built on Golang using GoKit and GoMicro, designed specifically for creating them. You can build REST and gRPC-enabled microservices in this framework that integrate seamlessly.

With GoMicro, you can easily create microservices using Go. This pluggable PRC library gives you all the building blocks you need to create microservices.

Golang link:


Image by Jacek Fleszar

3. ) Quarkus

Quarkus lends itself well to Kubernetes projects! Red Hat offers the Quarkus Java framework for Kubernetes, specifically designed to work with OpenJDK HotSpot and GraavalVM. The framework provides an imperative and reactive programming model to solve the challenges associated with microservice architectures.

The Kubernative native Quarkus framework was created to minimize memory consumption and maximize developers' startup time (tens of milliseconds). Fast startup time makes microservices easy to scale in containers and Kubernetes.


It provides a wide variety of technologies, libraries, and APIs, making it simple to learn and use.
Using this platform, you can optimize code ahead of time for the JVM and native code to improve app performance.
The framework boasts a faster boot time than others.

Link Quarkus:

https://www.infoq.com/articles/microservicilities-quarkus/ 👈

4. ) Molecular
The Molecular framework offers a distinctive approach to microservices. With NodeJS's growing popularity, JavaScript developers can benefit from this framework. Molecular is a fast, dynamic, and powerful NodeJS microservice framework. This technology allows the creation of efficient, reliable, and accessible services.


-Infrastructure that supports event-driven processes
-Adaptive discovery and built-in services registry
-Query and response load balance
Link Molecular:

https://moleculer.services/docs/0.14/index.html 👈

Image by @

5. )Lightbend Lagom
Using Lagom, you can develop microservice applications using Java or Scala. The technology that underpins Lagom is Akka and Play, which are already being used for several of the desired applications.

Resolving business issues with Lagom's unified development ecosystem is much easier than connecting services. The project is created, your microservices are launched, and Lagom is booted in one operation. Whenever the build is modified, it is reloaded automatically.

 — Development duties that are well defined— improve agility
 — Launching more often with lower risk — so that development cycles can be increased
 — To optimize current computer settings and meet the needs of high-end users, systems need reactive features such as reactivity, robustness, adaptability, and flexibility.

Link Lagom:

https://www.lagomframework.com/ 👈

Image by Lagom

Thanks in advance 💐



Jacek Fleszar

Data Science||Artificial Intelligence||Programmer 👈