A Plea for Peace: Humanity Beyond Conflict

Fletcher Christian
2 min readOct 9, 2023


In the wake of recent heart-wrenching events in Israel and Gaza, it’s imperative to underscore that amidst the turmoil, there are 2.2 million souls residing in Gaza, many of whom are not associated with Hamas. The numbers from the conflict are harrowing, with lives lost on both sides.

The ever-escalating violence shreds the fabric of communities, leaving behind a legacy of bitterness, fear, and despair. The cost is not just in human lives, but also in the loss of hope and faith in a peaceful future. It’s a stark reminder of the devastating impact that prolonged conflict has on the human psyche and the spirit of communities.

This cycle of violence is not an isolated phenomenon, but a recurring theme across the globe, reflecting a deeper ailment within our collective human experience. It’s about time we transcend the narratives that fuel division and hatred, and work towards nurturing a culture of understanding, empathy, and mutual respect.

There’s an urgent need for a dialogue that bridges the gap between different communities, fostering a sense of shared humanity. The essence of our being extends beyond the boundaries of race, religion, and political affiliations. It’s essential that we recognize the common thread of humanity that binds us all, and make a concerted effort to promote peace, tolerance, and co-existence.

In these trying times, let’s unite in our shared quest for peace, and lay down the foundations for a world where compassion, justice, and human dignity prevail over discord and violence. A plea for peace is a plea for the sanctity of life, an appeal to the better angels of our nature to rise above the impulses that drive conflict, and to work together in creating a harmonious world for all.

Let us remember, peace is not merely a distant goal, but a means by which we arrive at that goal. Through mutual understanding and respect, we can break the chains of hatred and fear, and pave the way for a future defined by harmony and shared prosperity.



Fletcher Christian

Meet Fletcher Christian: Combat vet, musician, artist, and producer in Kansas City. A life story of resilience and creativity. BA in Communications MA Theology