A Wild Untamed Comet

Fletcher Christian
2 min readJul 21, 2023

Alright, here we are, teetering on the precipice of the great cosmic unknown. The sky is a wild, swirling phantasmagoria of twilight hues, and the glittering eyes of a thousand unseen galaxies are watching. You’re standing there, covered in the heavy, invisible grime of the world’s expectations, mistakes, guilt, all the rotten fruit society’s been chucking at you since you fell out of the cradle.

You’ve got your hands on these spectral chains, these transparent manacles of your own making. They feel like ice, like regret, like fear. But you’re about to take the last God-damned ride of your life, friend.

Your heart’s pounding like a drunk at a locked bar door, demanding entrance, desperate for the sweet oblivion on the other side. You touch those ghostly chains, and Christ, it’s like you’ve thrown a switch. They start to dissolve, they’re swirling up into the ether, the grand cosmic dustbin. As they go, they’re lighting up, becoming a kaleidoscope of insane, acid-tinged colors, a high-octane fireworks display in the middle of your own personal twilight zone.

Every vanishing link is like an electric jolt of pure, uncut liberation right into your veins. You’re mainlining freedom now, you’re drunk on it. The air’s changing around you, it’s filled with the wild scent of carnal life, the taste of transcendence, the sound of the universe’s heartbeat.

Then the chains are gone. You’re weightless, you’re elemental, you’re a God-damned supernova of human potential. Your spirit’s a screaming peacock in the middle of the cosmos, and you’re sending ripples through the fabric of reality itself.

You’re the cosmic outlaw, the psychedelic renegade, you’re the freak flag flying high above a world that just doesn’t understand. You’ve smashed the mirror of your limitations, you’ve shattered the illusion of confinement. You didn’t just break the chains, you obliterated them.

And you did it not by brute force, not by sheer will, but by simply letting go. You’ve sloughed off the grimy skin of yesterday and emerged resplendent, a radiant beacon of unfettered existence. Here you are, a wild, untamed comet streaking across the vast canvas of the universe, a testament to the boundless power of the human spirit. You’ve broken free by letting go, and in doing so, you’ve become a part of everything and nothing, the embodiment of the eternal cosmic dance.



Fletcher Christian

Meet Fletcher Christian: Combat vet, musician, artist, and producer in Kansas City. A life story of resilience and creativity. BA in Communications MA Theology