The Divine Symphony of Existence: A Consciousness Theory

Fletcher Christian
3 min readJun 19, 2023

As a troublesomely curious observer of life, I’ve found that the universe’s most profound questions aren’t just tucked away in esoteric texts or tangled in complex scientific equations. No, they’re intricately woven into the very tapestry of our existence, as vibrant and palpable as the air we breathe. However, as with any good quest you must search them out. You must observe them with your own eyes.

Consider the awe-inspiring nature of our dreams. How often do we awaken, eyes wide with astonishment, from a reality so vivid it could rival the waking world? It’s like being the director, producer, and star of your own blockbuster movie — a testament to our mind’s uncanny ability to conjure a reality as tangible as the one we inhabit when we’re awake. I’m always plunged into a state of 30 second depression when I realize I can’t fly. How did that feel so real? (Google Search Donald Hoffman for science on this)

But let’s push the boundaries of our understanding a little further. Have you ever pondered the possibility that we might be the universe’s way of experiencing itself? Just as countless bacteria and cells in our bodies collectively shape our conscious experience, could we, as life forms, be molding consciousness from the vast cosmic system? Quantum physics offers tantalizing hints, but to truly grasp this concept, we need to dive headfirst into the heart of the mystery. And I’m not talking about a casual YouTube rabbit hole.

Physicist John Wheeler once famously said no phenomenon is a physical phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon. This statement encapsulates the essence of the measurement problem in quantum physics. Why does the act of observing a quantum system determine its reality? Could our consciousness be the key that collapses the superpositions of possibilities into a tangible reality? If so, it seems that the observer might have a starring role in the cosmic drama. It’s as if the result changes as soon as we observe it?

Quantum mechanics has always had a flair for the surreal. Picture a particle existing in multiple states until observed or measured — you’ve just conjured up Schrödinger’s famous cat. Doesn’t that sound more like the plot of a mind-bending art-house film than a foundational principle of physics?

Perhaps consciousness, often relegated to the sidelines of life, actually plays a pivotal role in the grand cosmic orchestra. Just as a melody emerges from the complex harmonies of a symphony, consciousness might arise from the intricate dance of quantum events. The orchestra may not be aware of the melody it plays, yet it performs it flawlessly. Similarly, we may not fully comprehend consciousness, but we could be playing a vital note in its symphony. So it seems we are not mere spectators but active participants. Our consciousness — the ability to observe and experience — may be the universe’s method of understanding itself. It’s own ability to observe itself. As we grapple with the enigmas of quantum mechanics, we are simultaneously wrestling with the mysteries of our own existence.

So, what does a back-slidden Master of Theology know about quantum mechanics? More than you might think. At its core, whether we’re contemplating the mysteries of the universe or the mysteries of the human soul, we’re embarking on the same fundamental quest: understanding the nature of reality. This quest is universal, transcending fields of study.

As we embark on our unending exploration, let us forever question and marvel at the resplendent symphony of existence. For within this cosmic orchestra, each of us holds a vital role, adding our distinctive notes to the everlasting saga of understanding. Recognizing this, it becomes ever more imperative to nourish our minds with the power of positive thoughts that can reshape our world.

Imagine the transformative potential if we were all to embrace unwavering belief in the inherent goodness that resides within us and around us, each and every day. With such collective faith, we would witness the profound metamorphosis unfolding right before our very eyes. The world would shift, transformed by our shared conviction, as the seeds of optimism blossom into tangible reality.



Fletcher Christian

Meet Fletcher Christian: Combat vet, musician, artist, and producer in Kansas City. A life story of resilience and creativity. BA in Communications MA Theology