Routing configuration Symfony 3.4

FLEX Consulting
1 min readSep 26, 2018


Un nouvel attribut a été ajouté cette semaine pour faciliter la configuration du routing, on parle de l’attribut ‘controller’, dont voici des exemples d’implémentation :

  • YML configuration:
# new SF >= 3.4 routing configuration
path: /index
controller: AppBundle:HomeController:home
# \InvalidArgumentException The routing file must not specify
# both the "controller" key and the defaults key "_controller"
# for "homepage"
path: /index
controller: AppBundle:Homepage:show
_controller: AppBundle:Blog:index
  • XML configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<routes xmlns=""xmlns:xsi=""xsi:schemaLocation=""><!-- new SF >= 3.4 routing configuration --><route id="app_homepage" path="/" controller="AppBundle:Homepage:show" />
\InvalidArgumentException The routing file must not specify both
the "controller" key and the defaults key "_controller" for "homepage"
<route id="app_blog" path="/blog" controller="AppBundle:Homepage:show"><default key="_controller">AppBundle:Blog:index</default></route>

Comme vous avez pu voir une seule option est permise, profitez en !



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