Photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash

Road Tripping this Spring? Here’s What to Ride & Where



Spring is the season for fresh, new adventures. And with a country of picturesque coastlines, exotic plants and wildlife and unmatched cultural experiences, it’s easy to get your getaway fix from a road trip. That’s why we’re sharing the best places to enjoy spring in South Africa — long with the best road trip cars for the journey!

1 | Garden route:
Lush valleys, azure lakes, game reserves, spectacular mountains, and colourful vistas — need we say more? There are also dozens of quaint towns and seaside resorts to enjoy along the way.

Best vehicle:
You’ll do just fine in a Hyundai, Toyota or Ford — just test the boot space so you don’t have visible luggage while on the road. Garden route roads are great and the driving is easy — just look out for speed cameras! Smaller cars have lower fuel consumption, so you can save money there too.

2 | Game parks: Part of our county’s magic is that it encompasses every possible landscape — from deserts to forests to mountains to coastlines — each home to its own variety of wildlife. Game reserves and national parks offer exquisite views into the splendour of our country, especially in spring!

Best vehicle: You’ll do well in a sedan or an SUV. The SUV will come in handy for the extra height — it can help with game viewing and a little more space under carriage to accommodate for unmade and potholed roads.

3 | Seaside City: Spring is a great time for a stay-cation or to visit one of SAs most popular coastal cities — whether that’s the lush vegetation, killer waves and delicious Bunny Chow in Durban or the two oceans, world-famous mountain and unmatched sunsets in Cape Town.

Type of vehicle: A VW Polo or a Toyota will take you all the places you need to go — both comfortable and with fuel efficient options. You will no doubt find pot holes in some places but careful driving will avoid them.

Speaking of new adventures… it’s time to sell your car and experience a world of financial freedom with a FlexClub Account — giving you access to a multitude of subscription options online.

Get the vehicle you need, as you need it. Whether you’re winding around the Garden Route, slipping through city streets or roughing it out on a DIY safari, we’ve got the vehicles to suity our lifestyle and budget.




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