#meetFlex: Katherine Sautter

3 min readSep 27, 2018

#meetFlexe is an ongoing series profiling the individuals that make up the Flexe team. To learn more about Flexe, visit www.flexe.com/company.

What’s your role at Flexe?

I’m currently transitioning into a Project Manager role for our Operations Department, but started at Flexe as an Ops Coordinator.

What’s your story?

I have always had a passion for helping businesses grow and achieve a shared goal. I majored in Marketing at Auburn University, and my first “real” job out of college was as a Project Coordinator for a sign company in my hometown of Charleston, SC.

I caught the logistics bug during my next role working as an eCommerce Specialist for a kid’s furniture company. As I learned more about the inner workings of eCommerce and witnessed consumer purchasing aggressively shifting from brick-and-mortar to online shopping, I felt a sense of urgency to get closer to the source of it all. I moved to Seattle, the eCommerce hub of the country, and joined Flexe.

On-site at one of our provider’s facilities, helping ensure a peak-season project ran smoothly.

I think the idea behind Flexe is genius. As the nature of consumer purchasing shifts, we must adapt. Adapting means knowing how to facilitate high growth in consumer purchasing. This high growth ultimately leads to more demand for warehouse space and better tooling for eCommerce order-fulfillment systems.

“I’m inspired by strong women in the field who can hold their own.”

What excites you most about the logistics industry?

How quickly things are changing and being a part of a force that is making those changes. Also, there is so much to learn! Whether it is a more sophisticated OMS or robots in the warehouse, new innovations arise every day. Also, I work with people who have been in this industry for decades, and I deeply value learning from their experience.

Where do you find inspiration?

Strong leaders and mentors who have been in the game longer than I have, and who know how to get things done. As a woman in a traditionally male-dominant industry, I’m inspired by strong women in the field who can hold their own.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

I am a long-distance runner and just ran my fourth half-marathon within the last year. I also love to hike, travel, paint, and snuggle with my dog, Lady.

Lady and I training for my third half marathon while on vacation in Lake Chelan, WA.

What organizations are important to you and why?

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. My mother and my brother are oceanographers — my brother actually works for NOAA in DC — so it has always been an important organization to me. Researching and protecting our planet are pivotal right now, especially our oceans!

Another one is PhilantroFlexe, a philanthropic program at our company that a co-worker and I started. It’s now a quarterly initiative where we, as a company, get to give back to our local Seattle communities. During our most recent initiative, we donated more than $1,000 in school supplies to Project Cool, an organization that provides assistance to Seattle’s homeless youth with the main focus being education.

“Avoid Mediocrity — never settle for anything less than your best.”

Just a few of us packing up to donate to Project Cool, August 2018.

If given your own personal warehouse to fill it with any one thing, what would it be?

Red wine … but that means the warehouse would have to be temperature-controlled.

What’s your favorite buzzword or phrase and why?

“Avoid Mediocrity” — never settle for anything less than your best.

Find more #meetFlexe profiles here.




Flexe delivers technology-powered, omnichannel logistics programs. The world’s largest retailers and brands use Flexe to move fast and with precision.