Carrying Two Bowling Balls: By Hand or Roller Bag with Wheels?

2 min readJun 18, 2024


Deciding how to carry two bowling balls to your practice or tournament? Your bowling ball bag can make a big difference in your comfort and convenience. Let’s look at the pros and cons of carrying them by hand versus using a 2 ball bowling bag on wheels.

What are the perks of a 2 ball bowling bag on wheels?


Carrying two bowling balls by hand can be tough. Each ball weighs between 10 to 16 pounds, so you’re lifting up to 32 pounds. This can quickly tire out your arms, shoulders, and back. A roller bag with wheels, however, makes things a lot easier. The bag supports the weight, and you just need to pull it, which is much less strain on your body.

Flexibility and Mobility

Hand-carrying offers more flexibility when it comes to moving around. You can easily handle stairs, tight spaces, and uneven surfaces. However, it can be physically demanding. A roller bag, on the other hand, works best on smooth, flat surfaces like bowling alley floors. While it might struggle with stairs or rough terrain, pulling along is generally easy.

Handling the Weight

Holding two heavy bowling balls by hand requires a strong grip and endurance, especially if you’re walking a long distance. Your hands can get tired, and there’s a risk of dropping the balls and damaging them. A 2 ball bowling bag on wheels avoids this problem. It distributes the weight evenly and makes it easier to manage the balls.

Storage and Organization

Roller bags often come with extra pockets for shoes, towels, and other gear, which helps you stay organized. You don’t have this convenience when you carry balls by hand and may need another bag for your stuff, which can be a hassle.


Carrying two bowling balls by hand gives you more flexibility in tight or uneven spaces, but it’s hard on your body and hands. However, a 2 ball bowling bag on wheels provides better comfort, easier handling, and good organization, making it the smarter choice for most bowlers. If you want an easier, more convenient way to transport your bowling balls, get a bowling ball bag from Flextro. They have the best quality bowling ball bag, which comes with a complimentary single ball bag. Explore their website now!




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