A New Rainway is Coming Soon

Josh Brackin


It’s been seven months since Rainway launched their beta. In that time they’ve improved and innovated. Today they are comfortable with their core technology, and it’s time for a makeover. An all new Rainway is coming soon.

The Browser is Important

Rainway believes that using an Internet Browser for Game Streaming removes an important barrier. You don’t have to download anything on your client device. Instead you can simply open up your browser and start streaming from Rainway’s website.

“By enabling this instantaneous click-and-play experience, we broke down yet another barrier and removed a lot of friction that comes with gaming remotely. No IP addresses, no port forwarding, no mind-numbing configuration-just games.” -Rainway Blog

The Browser also allows Gaming on devices that normally wouldn’t support it. Right now Rainway performs well on both PC’s and Macs. It’s also playable in the Browser on some Android devices.

Time for New Features

The Rainway streaming interface is getting a face-lift. In the near future, you’ll notice a new sidebar that gives you more control over your Streaming experience. Rainway envisions it acting as a dedicated hub for all things Gaming. You’ll have easy access to settings, Games, and social features.

Credit Rainway Blog

On the social side, Rainway is introducing a new system that they’re calling “Rainway Party”. It’s a deep friend and match-making system that allows you to share content and Games with other users. You’ll be able to browse for Games based on region and title. Users can also start their own sessions for others to join.

The basic idea is that you’ll be able to play local-multiplayer Games online for free. It’s like handing a virtual second controller to a friend.

Credit Rainway Blog

Part of being social is sharing your greatest Gaming moments. Soon, you’ll be able to do that from within Rainway. With a single click, you’ll be able to upload screenshots to social media platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter.

What’s Coming Next?

Rainway has a clear vision for the near future. Their goal is to become as multi-platform as possible. Today you can enjoy Rainway through the Browser on several devices. Soon they’ll be releasing a dedicated Android App that is more compatible with a larger range of hardware.

They also plan to create official images for Cloud Gaming services like AWS (Amazon) and Azure (Microsoft). These images will allow Gamers to setup Cloud Gaming servers almost instantly. Rainway is also targeting the Raspberry Pi so that users can have an inexpensive Game Streaming option.

Rainway made waves by promising support for traditional Gaming Consoles. We should see the first fruits of this promise at the beginning of 2019 when they launch on the Xbox One.

Originally published at Flickstiq.



Josh Brackin

Josh is a Gamer and Technology Guru. He is known for his writing and troubleshooting skills. Josh is especially talented at solving Technical challenges.