Console Developers tease Cloud Gaming at E3

Josh Brackin


E3 is known for it’s exciting reveals and announcements. During E3 2018, several companies revealed upcoming Cloud Gaming technologies. They are preparing to shift to a streaming future.

Coming Soon

Both EA and Microsoft took a moment during their E3 Conferences to discuss Cloud Gaming. The two companies are preparing to provide fully streamed Games to users in the near future. EA even allowed E3 attendees to test their service during the conference. EA’s CEO Andrew Wilson feels that Cloud Gaming will have a disruptive impact on the world of Gaming.

“As consumers, watching movies, watching TV, listening to music, reading books has never been easier. And we believe that disruption is going to have a profound impact on our industry in the next few years.” -EA’s Andrew Wilson

Microsoft also chimed in and talked about their Cloud Gaming plans. Both Microsoft and EA are promising services that will span devices and platforms.

“Our cloud engineers are building a game streaming network to unlock console gaming on any device.” -Microsoft’s Phil Spencer

Neither EA or Microsoft were ready to reveal when their new Cloud Gaming options will launch to consumers.

Existing Services

EA and Microsoft are just the latest console developers to commit to Cloud Gaming. In 2012 and 2015, Sony acquired Cloud Gaming technologies to build their now popular Playstation Now service. Playstation Now fully launched in 2015, and has been very popular with Gamers.

Nintendo has yet to announce any proprietary Cloud Gaming services. However, Nintendo Developers are taking full advantage of what Cloud Gaming has to offer. We recently revealed that Capcom is leveraging Cloud Gaming technologies in their upcoming release of Resident Evil 7 on Nintendo Switch.

At Flickstiq, we’ve talked a lot about how Cloud Gaming is the future. Cloud Gaming services are already in full swing on PC, and it’s encouraging to see them coming to consoles as well. In addition to the proprietary Cloud Gaming services that console developers will offer, we also can look forward to 3rd Party Cloud Gaming through developers like Rainway and Parsec.

Are you excited to see Cloud Gaming officially supported on consoles? Let us know what you think in the comments!

Originally published at Flickstiq.



Josh Brackin

Josh is a Gamer and Technology Guru. He is known for his writing and troubleshooting skills. Josh is especially talented at solving Technical challenges.