Paperspace Updates Pricing for Cloud Gaming

Josh Brackin


Paperspace recently announced new pricing for their Cloud Systems. These changes will affect Cloud Gamers, and will apply to both the hourly rate and storage cost.

Who’s affected?

Paperspace’s new pricing will apply first to any virtual machine created after June 6th 2018. Existing users will have almost a month before their pricing will also increase (on August 1st 2018).

If you already rent a Server (and it was created before June 29th 2018), then you will be grandfathered in with your original pricing. If you choose to delete that existing server or upgrade it, then the new pricing will apply to you as well.

These changes will affect both direct users (those that signed up through Paperspace’s website) and Parsec Gamers (those that signed up through the Parsec App).

Notable Increases

Under Paperspace’s new pricing scheme, most Cloud Gaming assets are increasing. For example, their 250 GB of Storage increases from $7 per month to $10 per month. The P4000 GPU increases from 0.40 per hour to 0.51 per hour. And the popular P5000 GPU increases from 0.65 per hour to 0.78 per hour.


So let’s go through an example scenario (we’ll use one of my machines to illustrate). Right now my primary Paperspace machine has a 250 GB Hard Drive and is powered by the P5000 GPU. I’ve also added a Public IP which is an extra $3 per month. The Public IP is not increasing in price, but the storage and GPU are. So let’s do some math to see how that affects the bottom line. I typically use the Paperspace machine for about 30 hours per month.

Current Pricing: 30x0.65 +7 +3 = $29.50
Future Pricing:
30x0.78 +10 +3 = $36.40

For me that equals an increase of $6.90 per month.

Why is it Increasing?

Although they are making their new pricing very clear, they aren’t providing specifics about why it’s increasing. Most existing users were notified about the upcoming changes through email.

“We have exciting plans for Paperspace in the coming year, and we’ve got you to thank for helping us come this far. We appreciate your business and support… We’ve worked hard to provide a useful, powerful product to our users at accessible pricing from the very beginning. We’re committed to maintaining that. With these new changes, we will continue to be one of the most affordable options in the cloud.” -Paperspace email

At Flickstiq, we are big fans of Paperspace. Their servers have been reliable and powerful, and we are very comfortable with recommending them as a Cloud Gaming option to our Community.

We’d love to hear from you! Are you a Paperspace user? How do you feel about these price increases? Will they affect how much you use Paperspace? Let us know in the comments!

Originally published at Flickstiq.



Josh Brackin

Josh is a Gamer and Technology Guru. He is known for his writing and troubleshooting skills. Josh is especially talented at solving Technical challenges.