Parsec and Shadow host AMA on Reddit

Josh Brackin


Parsec and Shadow recently opened their doors for an AMA (ask me anything) on Reddit. Gamers responded with many questions, and both companies revealed details about what comes next for their Game Streaming technologies..


The Community had a lot of questions for Parsec during their AMA. Parsec’s popular Game Streaming App is widely used by both Local and Cloud Gamers. Here are some of the things that we learned:

  • Parsec is working on improved Echo-Cancellation for Voice Chat while Streaming.
  • They will be releasing Themes in the near future that can be purchased. Themes provides users with a way of customizing their Parsec App. It also supports the development of Parsec, and is a great way to say thanks for the work that they are doing.
  • Mac and Linux hosting is possible, but is not coming in the near future. It may come later down the road.
  • Parsec is working on a cross-platform controller interface. This is a much-needed enhancement that will make life easier for users that prefer to use a controller (especially on Raspberry Pi and Android). It is still a work in progress, and Parsec isn’t ready to talk about a release date.
  • Parsec’s Party Finder beta is progressing well, and they plan to implement local chat in the near future. This will allow hosts to communicate with guests that connect to their session.

These announcements give us a glimpse into the future of Parsec. They’ve also added several new features that just went live recently. You’re now able to secure your Parsec account with two-factor authentication (a much requested feature). Additionally H.265 support has been expanded and Directx rendering has been improved.


Shadow’s AMA was all about introducing their new US Community Manager Clay Causin. Clay previously worked in Nvidia’s Esport division. He is excited to grow Shadow’s US Community, and looks forward to making a bigger impact on Gaming as a whole.

There weren’t many Shadow-specific announcements made during the AMA. However, Clay did reveal that Shadow is set to expand to the East Coast this summer. They are on track to support the entire US by the end of 2018.

In recent news, Shadow is working on implementing hardware upgrades for their network (specifically CPU and Hard Drive improvements). Deployment is still ongoing. They also plan to bring back the popular USB over IP feature. In the near future they will be launching a brand new Shadow Control panel that will give users easy access to their Settings. It will be integrated into Windows 10 and will provide some helpful statistics.

Originally published at Flickstiq.



Josh Brackin

Josh is a Gamer and Technology Guru. He is known for his writing and troubleshooting skills. Josh is especially talented at solving Technical challenges.