Simplay Adds Support for Parsec

Josh Brackin


Simplay is an up-and-coming Cloud Gaming Service available in Europe. They offer Unlimited Cloud Gaming at 1080p 60 fps for only $19.99 per month. Their fans have found that Simplay works best when paired with Parsec. With that said, using Parsec on Simplay isn’t an easy experience. That all changes today.

Full Support for Parsec

Simplay announced through their blog that they have decided to fully support Parsec on their platform. This means that you can freely install Parsec on your Simplay machine and use it as much as you want. In the past, your Simplay session would time out after 30 minutes when using Parsec. Now you can play through Parsec for as long as you want. Simplay has flagged it as a Valid Streaming App so that your session no longer times out.

Gamers Come First

Simplay acknowledges that adding support for Parsec could signal to their users that they’re not confident in their own front-end technology. Simplay has their own front-end streaming system called Photon. They explain that their service is young (it’s been available for about a year), and that they are still optimizing Photon. They hope that Photon will mature into an App that everyone is excited to use. Until then, Parsec offers the best streaming experience on Simplay.

Credit Simplay Blog

The Bottom line for Simplay is that Gamers come first. They’d love to see everyone using Photon, but more importantly, they want their subscribers to have an awesome experience with their service.

Simplay is currently available to Gamers in Europe. If you live in a European region, you will soon be able to sign up for a free trial of Simplay. At Flickstiq we have been keeping an eye on Simplay, and we are eager to test them when they make their way to the United States.

So what do you think? Are you a Simplay user that has been struggling to use Parsec? Let us know in the comments!

Originally published at Flickstiq.



Josh Brackin

Josh is a Gamer and Technology Guru. He is known for his writing and troubleshooting skills. Josh is especially talented at solving Technical challenges.