Snoost Reveals the Tech Powering their Cloud

Josh Brackin


Flickstiq recently interviewed Snoost CEO Christian Lykke on YouTube. That meeting answered a lot of questions about Snoost, and we are back to learn more. Our most recent interview focuses on the Tech that powers Snoost.

The Interview

Josh: Our Community tells us that they enjoy playing Windows Store Games like Forza and Gears of War. Is there any chance that Snoost may offer a Windows 10 option so that Gamers can enjoy these games in the Cloud?

Christian: Windows Server 2016 (which Snoost runs) is essentially a “server version” of Windows 10. However, we have not (yet) implemented native support for Windows Store Games, but will definitely put it on our to-do list to see if we can implement sometime in the future.

Josh: Which GPU does Snoost offer?

Christian: NVIDIA GRID K520

Josh: Which CPU does Snoost offer?

Christian: 8 vCPU, High Frequency Intel Xeon E5–2670 (Sandy Bridge) Processors

Josh: Have you considered moving from the current C/D Drive configuration to a Single Drive?

Christian: No. The D Drive is specifically designed to work well with scalability (in terms of capacity and performance) in a Cloud based infrastructure, and to deliver game streaming without much delay or any impact on performance and gameplay. The C drive, on the other hand, is designed for quick booting of Windows and running of the OS, without having to worry about being an ideal drive for game streaming. It therefore makes great sense for us to split up the drives. That does not mean however, that we will never move to a different setup, but for now there are no plans to change it, since it’s working great for us.

Josh: Is there any way to see when your subscription expires? If there is a way, does it include any achievement time that you’ve unlocked?

Christian: At the moment the user must keep track of the expiration themselves. This is also something we’ve put on our to-do list. But our users are always welcome to contact us at for this kind of question.

Josh: Does Snoost support Microphones for Multiplayer Voice Chat?

Christian: It does, but it depends on the device you are using. Not all devices work with game streaming, and may have difficulties with working seamlessly with a connection over the internet.

Josh: Do you plan to offer more Storage options in the future?

Christian: We’ll always listen to the community and try to identify what our users would appreciate, and work towards meeting those needs.

Josh: Will there be a way to extend or disable the 30-minute time-out?

Christian: If we find a way to make it secure and efficient (in terms of our infrastructure), we will definitely do so. But for now, there are many reasons the inactivity factor was implemented, and we do not currently have any plans to discard it.

Josh: Which Linux Operating Systems are supported?

Christian: We are testing on CentOS and Ubuntu, but in theory most UI-based Linux systems should have no difficulty working with Snoost.

Josh: Will Snoost support high resolutions in the future (such as 2K or 4K)?

Christian: In the future, definitely. Although it is difficult to tell when the technology (and bandwidth standards) will allow us to move towards virtual reality and 4K for cloud gaming, as the requirements (both for the company and user’s computers) are massive.

Looking to the Future

We want to thank Christian and his Team for answering these questions for our Community. They’ve been very transparent about their technology and their service. If you haven’t tried Snoost yet, they offer a fully unlimited 3 Day Trial of their service. You can also visit our sign-up Guide to earn a full free week of game time when you activate your subscription. Snoost offers unlimited hours of Cloud Gaming starting at $9.99 per month.

So what do you think about the Tech that is driving Snoost? Do you have any other questions that the Snoost Team can answer? Let us know in the comments below!

Originally published at Flickstiq.



Josh Brackin

Josh is a Gamer and Technology Guru. He is known for his writing and troubleshooting skills. Josh is especially talented at solving Technical challenges.