Chapter 2 — Kindergarten&Elementary School ( Part II )

8 min readAug 20, 2022


Arriving in malaysia. Because of the differences between indonesia and malaysia education system i need to start from first grade again. It was funny cause i already got the lessons so my first grade went easy and of course i got the highest grade. Living in malaysia at first is weird because of the difference in language, food etc. But i got adapted real quick probably because im still young. The first thing that i notice when i first go to school that they have many type of uniform, difference from indonesia which we wear a red white uniform, in malaysia theres a green uniform which represent a librarian caretaker, then there is a blue uniform which represent student representative, theres also a purple uniform which represent councelling caretaker, and the last one is the usual white uniform. I got admitted at skkgb (sekolah kebangsaan kompleks gong badak)

The first story in my elementary school in malaysia is probably when i am in the second grade, that time theres this tv show that i like which is b-daman, so after a lot of begging and crying my father got me the toy, then i brought it to school to play it with my friend, at first i am the only one that have it but after some time i think it got popular to the kids so they started bringing their toys to school, while break we will move our table so it will be a long table and we will place many targets so we gonna shoot it, we always challenge each other. If you dont know what is a b-dman its basically a pistol that shoots marble but it was a human or monster shape.

But then something happen, our teacher know that we bring the toy i dont know why but shes getting mad so she take every b-daman she sees and then throw it in the trashbin, all the b-daman got destroyed many part got broken that its unusable. I was really sad and angry that day, when i want to go home at the field i saw my junior bringing a brand new b-daman thats still inside a box. I got very angry and i forcefully take it from him then i step on it until it was broken than i throw it at the sewer, my junior then cry. After that i got home and i realize what the fuck did i just do so i tell my family the story and they scolded me and take me to toy store and buy a brand new one, my mother wrap the brand new b-daman with newspaper and told me to give it to the junior that i broked his b-daman. The next day i came to his class and apologize to him than give the b-daman. After that incident we never bring toys again to school.

One day in my third grade theres a shout from the upper floor and after that theres looud noise that can be heard sounded like people panicking, out of curiousity my friend and i go to the upper floor to see what happened, we see a chaos situation in front of class, than we break through the chaos and take a peek inside the class to see what happened, that when we saw theres a girl that have been possesed, she seem in extreme hot and acting like a tiger. Not long after that, our ustadz came and immediately reading some paragraph from al quran but the girl not getting better instead became angrier, our ustadz raise his voice than shout. Suddenly its quiet and what we see is the girl passed out, our ustad take the girl to the firmary after that. After that incident we did some investigations and we found out before she got possesed she say she sees someone or something across the building. And that story scared the shit out of us.

I also participate in a national contest, which is an english contest that include a dance, speliing bee, making story and many more contest. A few of my friend also got chosen as a represantative for that contest, so every break and after school we gonna train. It was very tiring but in the same time it was very fun. The day of the contest everyone seem nervous but in the end we win the third place.

In terengganu or the name of the city i move to, is known as the most religious city in malaysia, so they has a program which is an islamic class after school so every day we finish our school at five oclock, it was very tiring. After school finish we were allowed to eat snack so we gonna go outside the school to buy some snack. Theres many people selling foods and water. I like all of them literally all of them, but the best snack i think is kembang tahu, icecream goreng, keropok lekor, roti jala, and many more im sorry i cant decide cause it was so delicious.

Ouh and every morning we need to read yassin and asmaul husna. They have a special team that read it in front of all student it just like a band and i was one of them. So the islamic program is an islamic class after school, the lessons is purely about religion akidah akhlak fiqih and many more, every year at the school they held an event which every class must participate. Every class need to perform something usually it was teather or nasyid. It almost similar to art festival just with islamic catch. In my fifth grade i was the one who sings the nasyid i was very proud of it the nasyid was “haji menuju allah-raihan”.

Our school has a really big field, when it was sport lessons we usually play football and because the field is so goddamn big we will get tired in a minute. Our canteen is also big and have many gazebos surrounding the canteen so the kids favourite spot is the gazebo, in the canteen i usually buy milo and nasi lemak. Cause it was very cheap they also sell tea, syroup, sausage, bread and many more

Every islamic important day my school always held an event, the contest of course based on the religion, for example like an islamic quiz and many more. We usually told to bring biscuite or snack that we gonna gather on a long table at the centre of the school, than we will pick randomly or we can take from whatever and whoever snack. We also must dress for boys is baju melayu with a songket and for girls is baju kurung. Than theres also sport day and bazaar, so first of all you need to know that sport uniform in malaysia has many colour which represent different team. The color is red, yellow, green and yellow so every color code will compete at that day. All the first grade to six grade will make a team base on their color and participate in the contest and bazaar. The contest is as usual like sprint, long jump, marathon and many more.

In my elementary school they also have many extraculicullar the one i participate is PBSM (Persatuan bulan sabit malaysia) in indonesia we called it palang merah, so after school we will be given lessons about first aid and many more. But i often skip it because i got lazy and the new teacher is boring. Similar to any nation malaysia also has final exam or UN in indonesia but in malaysia we called it UPSR (Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah), But the score was given by grade not by numbers and the most annoying thing is in my years they changed the system completely which the original one the test is only for five subject but they changed it to six subject and they raise the grade standard which grade A is 90–100 which was originally we can get A with 80–100 score, different from other nation test UPSR doesnt only test us in option question but also essay, guess what we also need to make a story for malaysia and english subject. You surely can imagine how hard is it.

Than final year came, six grade. The school add another program to prepare for UPSR, which is they add another class session but at night after maghrib until nine oclock this program is already running from fifth grade. Sometimes i can enjoy it because theres many friend but sometimes it gets really tired after a full day study an a night session, many student easily got exhausted. Than the day come, UPSR. The first day i was intimidated and nervous about the test but it was not so long that i got used to it. Ouh and in the six grade period we also need to read asmaul husna and sholat dhuha, they have an independent time in the schedule.

The day come when the result will be released, than the announcement, alhamdulillah i got five A and one B, my school only has one student that get straight A so my score is also an achievement for me and to school. Some cry some happy but in the end we knew that we just need to go on, the story still far to end.

Whats left of this story? is Graduation, we wear robe and receive tribute for the achievement we make, everyone cry and the boys hugging each other than finally we take the last photo to remember.

The story ends but another start, Oh Wanderer !




finding his purpose, if you know me in real life please just ignore what i wrote here