How to Choose Wooden Venetian Blinds

lea Glover
2 min readJul 31, 2019


How to Choose Wooden Venetian Blinds

Wooden Venetian blinds are a great way to add some elegance to your room, while also being a really practical blind.

By allowing you to not only control the amount of light coming into your room but also with the privacy they provide you with.

If you are looking to design or re-decorate your room with Venetian blinds you might be overwhelmed and unsure which ones to pick. This short blog post will guide you in the right direction to help you pick the perfect wooden Venetian blind.

Real wooden blinds are constructed from 100% wood, giving a natural and pure feel to your room. Real wooden blinds also offer a sense of uniqueness to them, as no two grains of wood look exactly the same, they add a personal touch.

Because of this real wood, there will be a certain amount of insulation from the blinds as the material is so strong and dense — stopping harsh sunlight protruding in.


Faux wooden slats are made with either a wooden core that is coated with a composite or the slats are completely made out of PVC/vinyl. These materials cope really well with busy areas (for example, where children play or run about) or humid rooms prone to moisture such as and bathrooms. Because Faux Wooden Blinds are highly durable, they will not fade or warp over time.


Where Can I Buy Wooden Venetian Blinds?

At we offer a wide range of both, real and faux wooden blinds for you to choose from. From Ivory and Golden Oak to Silver Birch and Mahogany, we something to suit all tastes. If you’re unsure of the colour you want, you can order a sample from us to ensure it’s the right fit for your home.

If you have any further questions, you can contact one of our helpful team on;

☏ 0800 009 2959

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