How to make a Flipping Book that really stands out!

Flip Book
6 min readAug 20, 2018


How to make a Flipping Book

There are many fascinating movie ideas that have come from simple books. In this article, we will discuss what is a flipping book is, how to make a flipping book, what is needed to make a flipping book, and where to make a flipping book. The flipping book was introduced long ago in the nineteenth century. There is a rich history that we will deal with briefly.

What is a flipping book?

A flip book is a series of pictures drawn on the pages of a book. When, the user flips through the pages of the book the pictures come to life. It seems that they are being animated.

Historically, flipping books have been geared at children. They are generally filled with animated film characters such as Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse. However, some flipping books are geared for adults. These flipping books geared to adults are filled with advertisements. The advertisements are generally for adult items such as automobiles and cigarettes. However, in recent years flipping book geared as an adult with a cigarette advertisement would not go very far in the public eye.

Instead of reading how to make a flipping book from left to right, as you would read a traditional book in the United States, you hold the flipping book in one hand. With the other hand you flip through the pages with your thumb. I stayed focused on one spot of the book while I flipped through the pages with my thumb. It appeared the drawings on the pages were coming to life.

How to make a flipping book?

How to make a flipping book you can use any kind of paper. A notebook or pack of sticky notes will work. I was a stack of sticky notes for my how to make a flipping book. I started on the last page in the stack of sticky notes. How to make a flipping book using a pencil to draw an image, because pencil was the easiest to use. If I made an error, I could easily erase the error. When I was finished with my how to make a flipping book I took ink and went over all the drawings.

On the second sheet of paper, I drew the same image. I varied the succeeding image just slightly from the first image. I drew the image in the same spot as on the original image. Then I made it slightly different. How to make a flipping book I continued to draw on the stack of sticky notes varying my image slightly. How to make a flipping book I used colored pencil to give my images a colorful and lifelike existence. I then took a look at my how to make a flipping book.

How to make a flipping book, what I needed

If you are how to make a flipping book and getting started is very easy. When how to make a flipping book you will need a stack of papers. This how to make a flipping book should be just a little notebook. How to make a flipping book can be done with a pack of sticky notes. How to make a flipping book can be made with any stack of papers that can be found.

How to make a flipping book is a basic number two pencils. When you want how to make a flipping book you will be required to draw the image in pencil first. How to make a flipping book you will need to have colored pencil. When you are done with how to make a flipping book you will want to color the images.

After collecting your how to make a flipping book of a pad of paper you will want to grab something to bind the how to make a flipping book pad of paper. After drawing on the final sheet of the pad of how to make a flipping book paper you will need to draw the image again. How to make a flipping book is something that can be made with pencil, colored pencil, and ink. You will want to make sure that the how to make a flipping book is bound before drawing.

Flip through the how to make a flipping book and guarantee the images are being consistent in the how to make a flipping book. How to make a flipping book is easy when you have the right materials. How to make a flipping book should be done with care. How to make a flipping book when you need practice on something like how to make a flipping book stick people.

How to make a flipping book, so that the stick person how to make a flipping book is moving with its hand waving. How to make a flipping book with the stick figure waving is not easy. How to make a flipping book with the stick figures waving first you draw on the last page. How to make a flipping book on the second page, you take the how to make a flipping book you draw the figure in the same spot as on the first how to make a flipping book page.

How to make a flipping book when you are not in a hurry. Colored pencils are how to make a flipping book should be used to bring color to your how to make a flipping book. How to make a flipping book with the colored pencil shade in the areas of the stick figure and how to make a flipping back to give the animation a real effect.

How to make a flipping book so that the animation is how to make a flipping book realistic. The animation in the how to make a flipping book should seem to be how to make a flipping book lifelike. The lifelike image in the how to make a flipping book will appear to be waving its arm. When the image has its hand up in the air for how to make a flipping book you will always want to draw the image so the arm goes down how to make a flipping book. The arm will seem to be waving at the how to make a flipping book. When how to make a flipping book is going through the pages.

How to make a flipping book should be realistic looking. The images on the how to make a flipping book should be in line with one another. Do not draw the image of the stick figures how to make a flipping book scattered. If you draw the stick figure scattered how to make a flipping book it will not appear on the image is how to make a flipping book waving consistently.

You will want how to make a flipping book consistent so the how to make a flipping book will seem to be one image that is coming to life. How to make a flipping book should not just be a bunch of how to make a flipping book random pictures. How to make a flipping book should be one picture drawn throughout the how to make a flipping book. How to make a flipping book should have slight variations in the how to make a flipping book picture.

Where to how to make a flipping book

How to make a flipping book can be done online now. There is software that will assist you in how to make a flipping book. How to make a flipping book should be made at first without the software. How to make a flipping book you should become familiar with how to make a flipping book before attempting to how to make a flipping book online.

Doing an internet search for how to make a flipping book online will lead you to how to make a flipping book. There are numerous how to make a flipping book sites. These sites will offer you a generalized information on how to make a flipping book. How to make a flipping book with software is not any different than how to make a flipping book with pencil, pen, and paper. How to make a flipping book you should get some practice with how to make a flipping book first. Have fun with how to make a flipping book.

