The Vegan Pizza, Something Out Of the Ordinary

Elizabeth Trimarche
2 min readDec 13, 2016


What is a vegan Pizza?

People nowadays are used to hearing about a vegetarian diet. There are good vegetarian pizzas that load up on the cheese to compensate for lack of meat in the pizza. With the vegan pizza, the cheese has to be left out and a substitute found for a common ingredient in most pizzas, the cheese. This is done by using a heavier base than before that would make for a crispy crust on baking. There are indeed a number of pizza that does this and a good number of the best Pizza in Orlando does indeed cut out on the cheese to give a totally vegan pizza.

What is the commonly laid out fare at the Flippers Pizzeria?

It is possible to have a number of choices at the Flippers Pizzeria that would be termed as vegan. In fact the first pizzas that originated out of Italy did not have cheese at all. They made do with a thick crust that was thicker than the normal pizzas available in the market. Flipper Pizzeria has a menu that would rival most pizzerias for choice and sheer number of options to have.

· The Salad Bowl: This is a common accompaniment with most servings at the Flippers Pizzeria. Some of the best restaurants Orlando do indeed stock up on a large salad bowl that would leave the customer spoilt for choice.

· The bread: The Italians are renowned for the choice of breads on offer at the tables. With bases that range from wheat to rye, there is bound to be something new on each visit. The customer might want to try mixing breads with the various pizzas to give an unmatched combination that is sure to remain in the minds for a long time.

What started off as a solution to scarce means has indeed taken on a life of its own, which is the story of the pizza? Most pizzerias do indeed offer a vegan pizza or two. The popularity of Italian cuisine has meant that the pizza is to stay on most menus for a good amount of time.

How to get to Flipper Pizzeria?

The offerings at the Flipper Pizzeria can be had as take away or home order on their website. It is possible to have a vegan offering along with or separately to what is ordered to at Flipper Pizzeria.

