Boost Your Self Confidence: Step by Step — A Sweet Clean Living Course

Fliss Kay
4 min readJul 8, 2017


Whatever your life stage, and whatever your personal circumstance,s most people would freely admit that they would love a bit of a self confidence boost.

It could be that you’ve taken a bit of a self confidence knock recently or in the past, or you’ve never felt you had enough in the first place: either way, I’m here to help.

Because I’ve been there in that situation too — and I’ve lived through it, coming out the other side happy, smiling — and self confident.

And I really want to show you how to do the same thing, and boost your self confidence.

How to Boost Your Self Confidence

Whether this is your first time here at Sweet Clean Living, or you’ve been with me right from the start, one of the things I’ve tried to be completely open and honest about is my own massive struggles with self confidence.

As I’ve mentioned before, I used to struggle just getting through the day, and finally decided I either had to buck up or give up.

I had a tiny shred of motivation, and began my journey by looking for advice online for how to boost my self confidence and improve myself. And you know what? I couldn’t find anything which I felt comfortable with. Whatever I did find out there just wasn’t speaking to me — it was either full of buzz words I didn’t understand — ‘self-actualization’ — or was so theory-based that I lost interest just reading about it.

So I created my own plan to boost my self confidence, put it into practice, and became a different person altogether.

And now I want to show you how to do it too.

boost your self confidence

Boost Your Self Confidence: The Online Course

A friend of mine, who knew me before my self confidence boost and after, was going through a rough patch. She wanted to know what it was that I had done to change seemingly everything about the way I acted, the way I spoke, and what it was that had made me so happy when actually nothing in my life had really changed to cause it.

I decided to write her a small set of things she could do to boost her self confidence, just like I had done, dividing it into three sections:

  • Thinking self confident
  • Looking self confident
  • Acting self confident

and then I realized — this information had changed my life (and later, really helped my friend out too) and it was definitely time to share it with other people.

I began to create an online course with Udemy, writing down the steps I took and creating a series of quick, 2–5 minute videos explaining about each of the steps I took to boost my self confidence, along with a few worksheets to give you helpful pointers and ideas.

Get 75% (!) Off My ‘Boost Your Self Confidence’ Course

And you know what? My course has been wildly successful in the month since it’s launched — almost 300 students, and 5 star reviews! It’s made me so happy to see that something which came out of one of the darkest periods of my life has helped so many other people.

And now I’m offering readers of this blog 75% off my Boost Your Self Confidence course, which sells on Udemy for $50.

In the course, you’ll learn how to -

  • Create a positive self image,
  • Turn negative thoughts to positive ones,
  • Use other people to boost your self confidence,
  • How to change your body language to look more self confident

and much, much more.

If you’re curious, but not certain if this is for you — check out the free preview of the course right here.

Otherwise, if you’re ready to start your life changing self confidence journey, enjoy your 75% discount and go to the course by clicking the button below. I look forward to seeing you there!

Go to the course

All the best,


Boost your Self Confidence - Sweet Clean Living



Fliss Kay

I live the sweet, clean life — and blog about it! is all about clean and healthy living, personal development and mental health.