Looking FLOward to 2019

2 min readDec 10, 2018


Although we have been quiet lately, rest assured we’re working hard on things behind the scenes. And if it seems that not much progress has been made on the FLO blockchain, we’re here to tell you Stay Tuned for an exciting 2019. It’s because we are a volunteer team of developers, with no ICO funds to support us, that we prefer to announce new developments as they come online.

That said, we have spent this entire year on intensive back-end development, with significant resources going toward the Open Index Protocol (OIP). As an index of decentralized data, OIP allows you to monetize digital content on the blockchain. And while building, we have been presenting our vision for a decentralized web all around the world. In 2018 we introduced OIP at conferences and events in San Francisco, Texas, Wyoming, and Shanghai, and the responses have been positive. Our efforts are now seen in different use cases being tested with Tzero for Digital Locate Receipts; in Zambia and Rwanda for land title registry by Medici Land Governance; at California Institute of Technology for storing and sharing scientific data; in India for dapps as simple as creating digital business cards; in Flotorizer for timestamping and notorizing digital data; and we will soon go live with the FLO Foundation that has been established in Hong Kong.

While 2018 has been difficult for many blockchain projects, this was the year that FLO and OIP have found a global reach.

One of the most exciting projects built on FLO and OIP, is of course Alexandria, an OIP browser that will connect content creators directly to users, without the need for intermediaries (think Youtube, Itunes, Spotify). Alexandria allows creators to upload their work, set a price for it, and get paid immediately in Bitcoin and other currencies.

You can view new demos of Alexandria’s Album Play and Video Play here:


Finally, as our platform grows, and our resources and community grow along with it, we are planning to update the FLO community on a more regular basis. So stay tuned!

Joseph Fiscella and the FLO team




FLO is a worldwide public record for building decentralized applications