
Self-Custodial Wallets: Your Key, Your Control

3 min readJan 17, 2024

Friends, today I want to share important information about why self-custodial wallets are a big deal in the world of cryptocurrencies. We’ll learn why crypto enthusiasts like you and me should embrace them and how they provide security and control. Many of you may have already heard of “self-custodial wallets,” but let’s delve into what that really means and why it’s so important.

First, let’s understand what self-custodial wallets are. These wallets allow you to have complete control over your cryptocurrencies. You, and only you, manage your money. No third parties are involved. It’s like having your own banknote that you keep under your mattress. When you own cryptocurrency, you have your “key,” which is like your password to your money. And, as you know, keys must be kept safe. This is where different types of wallets come into play.

Let’s start with “custodial” wallets. These wallets are managed by third-party services, such as exchanges or online platforms. When you use such a wallet, you trust this third-party service to store and secure your cryptocurrencies. It’s convenient, but you don’t have full control.

Then we have “self-custodial” wallets. With these wallets, you have full control over your keys. This is great, but they may still rely on external servers to obtain transaction information, which can pose risks.

And now, the most interesting part — “self-custodial wallets with storage.” In these wallets, you have full control over your keys and transaction data. This means you are responsible for the security of your assets while maintaining complete control over them.

Why Is It So Important?

Now let’s talk about why this is so important. The first rule in the world of cryptocurrencies is: “If you don’t have the keys, you don’t have the coins.” And it’s true! If you don’t control your keys, you don’t control your coins.

Advantages of Self-Custodial Wallets with Storage:
With a self-custodial wallet with storage, your money is under your complete control. You are not dependent on third-party services.
These wallets also provide security features, such as hardware wallets and multi-factor authentication.
Importantly, self-custodial wallets with storage respect your privacy. They don’t rely on external servers, reducing the risk of transaction data leakage.

If you’re a true cryptocurrency enthusiast, you should consider using a self-custodial wallet with storage. It allows you to have full control over your assets, ensures security, and respects your privacy.

Now, let’s move on to the main part: how to set up Braavos — the best self-custodial wallet.

Setting Up Braavos — The Best Self-Custodial Wallet

Now, let’s learn how to set up Braavos, one of the best self-custodial wallets:

1. Download Braavos: Go to this link ( to download the wallet on your device — Chrome, Firefox, Android, or iOS.

2. Create a Wallet: Follow the simple on-screen instructions to create your wallet. Write down your recovery phrase in a secure place — this is your key to recovering the wallet.

3. Fund Your Wallet: Transfer your cryptocurrencies into your Braavos wallet. Your funds are now secure, and you have control over them.

4. Activate Security Features: Explore advanced security features in Braavos, such as two-factor and three-factor authentication and hardware signing, to add additional layers of protection to your assets.

5. Start Using It: Now you’re ready to use your self-custodial wallet for secure and private transactions. Enjoy the peace of mind knowing that your assets are under your control.

In a world where your financial control is of paramount importance, self-custodial wallets like Braavos offer a vital solution. Embrace the power of holding your own keys, enhance your security, and enjoy the freedom of managing your finances independently. Your journey into the world of cryptocurrencies becomes more robust. Start today and take your finances into your own hands.




ZKX & Injective & Aleo & SEI Ambassador. ZKEX Community Writer. Braavos - Master Creator. -