Appreciative Clutter

Flo Belanger — Heart Rest
3 min readJan 9, 2019
photo by Flo Belanger

How many of us feel like we receive too much appreciation for what we do? How many of us are so inundated with thank you notes that we feel overwhelmed with the clutter? Can we honestly say that in a world filled with criticisms and complaints that we could ever run out of an intense need for encouragement? I only wish that was the case!

Our society seems to be so swept up in the negative, bizarre, and extreme that we have lost sight of the importance of drawing attention to what is good and uplifting. More people than ever are suffering from discouragement, despair and mental illness than ever before. The true connection with others…the depth of relationship from real interactions is missing and people feel alone and emotionally abandoned.

Unless we physically see people, unless we have live interactions with others, we cannot sense what they are not saying or showing in their body language. It is a well known fact that babies who are not touched, held, or loved will lose their will to live. How does that change as we age? Why do we think that we can live without that interaction now? We can’t. Gradually we lose the will to live and that turns into a despair that for many ends in suicide. There is a feeling that no one will even notice they are gone.

Thank you notes, real hugs, eye-to-eye smiles, shared tears of empathy, helping hands, sounds of laughter…



Flo Belanger — Heart Rest

I write an inspirational blog to provide encouragement for the soul. What I write teaches me and hopefully touches the hearts of others.