Living Alive

Flo Belanger — Heart Rest
3 min readApr 28, 2019
photo by Flo Belanger

How many of us go through life dragging ourselves through each day, satisfied to barely survive? We feel fortunate to have made it through the day, only to collapse into a restless sleep waking still tired as we begin another day. It feels like we are on a hamster wheel spinning in circles and never really going anywhere or accomplishing anything worthwhile.

Too often we have dreams but no energy to actually pursue them. One of the things I have learned this year, after writing 99 blogs (this being 100), that dreams happen one step at a time. I never believed myself capable of writing a book and yet the average novel is about 50,000 words which equals what I have now completed!

Opening our hearts to imagine that more is possible than we previously believed is the beginning of living alive. Each moment that we reach forward in faith and step into that “bigger than us” calling, we will experience life more fully and feel more alive than before. We will begin to believe that even greater things can happen.

A good friend once said she felt overwhelmed with what she sensed was her calling in life…it felt way too big! She thought she had to walk in boots that were too big and heavy which would make it an impossible mission. In prayer, Jesus showed her that she could use light slippers and only needed to take baby steps…a huge burden lifted and she began the journey. All…



Flo Belanger — Heart Rest

I write an inspirational blog to provide encouragement for the soul. What I write teaches me and hopefully touches the hearts of others.