The Weird Dream : I wonder …

K. Floey
3 min readJul 11, 2017


The new beginning.

A start of new series.

A new story.

Mmm again… This happened again. I opened my eyes to see myself in an unfamiliar place. Sometimes blurry, sometimes clear as crystal. I wonder where it will take me this time. I’ve been having weird dreams lately and decided to name (or I can say “put a title”) all the dreams that I had. So I can grasp the main story and easily recall the dream whenever I see the title. Maybe I could see the bigger picture after some more dreams?

I wonder what dreams actually are. Recollection of our memories or perhaps a vision about what is coming? Or is it related to our “dream” in real world (our calling, what we wanna achieve) ?

Using this chance to practice my super amateur doodles (check my instagram one_fkanzaki) and my storytelling-worldbuilding skill, with hope that one day I could visualize things in my head better and better.

/ a Dreamer and Sojourner… and Scientist/

I often set myself inside a story as a sojourner. People who travels and stay at certain place, or world, or universe temporarily, while investigating what kind of place they arrived into.

I visited different world and settings in my dream, as well as every time I watched movies or animation or drama series or visiting new places!

Traveling, seeing new place, and experiencing new things are always in my heart. The more I travel, the more windows of this world that I peeked in. The more curious I get. The more wonder I could discover.

I am a dreamer. One day, after traveling to lots of different places, discovering the mysteries and wonders of this world, I wanna write a book about it. Or maybe illustration book. Or maybe animation. Anyway, let me dream about it. And take one step at a time — step by step closer to my dream.

The interesting — as well as ironic — thing is that what I am doing right now in my life is in a completely different genre than what I dreamed. While my dream is more about “tapping into the other world” genre — art, creativity, writing, storytelling, graphic design, traveling, and illustration, — what I am doing now with my life is about “diving into the reality, problems, and logic of this world” genre.

Yeah, as a scientist, there is little room for fantasy. I often times wonder what dragged me into this world of science. But there is no point in living in regret. I made a choice back then to dip myself into this world. I believe there is no right or wrong in choices. People always faced with choices and have to continue to choose. For their own future. The outcome all depends on how we live our choices.

There is a meaning behind why I have this heart towards stories and fantasy, while living a choice as a scientist. I am Christian and I believe that God is working everything for the good. All the things that we need to achieve our true calling is already within us and surround us.

I don’t want to be forever stuck at the same point, where I regret my choice as being scientist. I wanna live it and take one step closer to my dream by start illustrating and writing my story and fantasy. It is not a coincidence that I am here right now in laboratory, typing this story of my life.

One popular quote that I love from CLAMP (manga-artists from Japan):


There is no such thing as a coincidence in this world, there is only the inevitable.

Yes, a new beginning. Has started.

The upcoming weird dream series is inspired by each and every dream that I sojourned in, for nearly everyday since June 2017.

#theweirddream #series #doodle #storytelling #onestepclosertomydream



K. Floey

A curious brave-courageous lil’ adventurer, on the quest to document moments and thoughts in life