Companies are Taking care of the right Carpets: No Worries

Flood Services Perth
3 min readJan 29, 2023

Insurance claims for water damage are the second most common type filed by Australian homeowners. Multiple categories of water destruction exist. Flooding, torrential rain, a blizzard, or frozen pipes in the winter are all examples of extreme weather occurrences that can cause water damage that is beyond your control. The homeowner is sometimes to blame when water damage occurs, as this typically occurs when the water is left running in the kitchen, bathroom, or shower.

Anyone who has dealt with water damage can attest to the fact that it leaves a trail of destruction that requires a significant amount of effort to clean up, regardless of the source. In addition to the usual destruction of furniture and other household items, odors are often still there after the initial cleanup has been completed. The presence of a mildew odor on carpeting or, even worse, the growth of mold on your flooring, are both serious problems that require prompt care. You must opt for Structural Drying Perth professionals after the basic cleanup is done.

The Dangers of a Persistent Odor Following Water Damage

You might think the clean-up is complete after you’ve mopped up the water, thrown away the unsalvageable items, and dried the rest. You shouldn’t place so much faith in that though. Despite the fact that the most of the water damage has been repaired, there is still a considerable risk to your property as long as a smell persists.

If you notice a musty odor coming from your carpet, mold or mildew may be forming underneath. Wet environments are perfect breeding grounds for mold and mildew, which can quickly spread and do extensive damage to your property. Mold development is bad news for more than just the premature deterioration of your carpet and flooring; it also poses a threat to the health of you and your family. A carpet that is emitting an unpleasant odour poses a risk to the safety of your family, your belongings, and your home.

What to Do With a Drenched Carpet?

Carpets that become wet tend to retain odors more than others. Nylon, polyester, olefin, and wool are the four most common types of carpet fibers.

When compared to the other three, Nylon has the highest durability and wears resistance. It is also the fiber with the highest stain resistance after being treated with a stain protection.

Polyester fabric has a reputation for being extremely luxury both in appearance and in feel. Many different patterns and hues are available for this kind of carpet.

The use of olefin is highly recommended for places that are subjected to rain and sunlight. Because it is resistant to moisture and mildew, it is frequently used as an outdoor carpet or in damp basements.

Wool has a reputation for being both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally sustainable. It’s durable and attractive, but it doesn’t have the same stain resistance as some other materials.

If you have young children or dogs, you may want to consider nylon carpet because it does not trap odors as much as other materials. Hiring the right Odour Control & Treatment Perth service can help you restore your carpet without any further damage.


Carpets of all shapes and sizes, from the most common to the most exotic, like Persian rugs, can benefit from professional cleaning services. If your carpet is damaged by water only a professional carpet cleaning service can provide the kind of thorough service necessary to remove the foul odor and all of its associated problems for good.

