PinnedScholarly Shitposting: A Florencian CompendiumIt was with great pleasure that I received an invitation to compile a compendium of those passages which, hidden in the pages of my…Aug 11, 20202Aug 11, 20202
O’Toole ouster shows the Conservative Party’s undying homophobia and transphobiaOn February 2nd, Erin O’Toole was ousted as leader of the Conservative Party. His departure came in the wake of his party unanimously…Feb 17, 20222Feb 17, 20222
Sanction de l’Université de Montréal contre Ciel Ash ParéLettre envoyée à l’École de travail social de l’Université de Montréal le 29 avril 2021.Apr 29, 2021Apr 29, 2021
Published inEmpowered Trans WomanCritical thoughts on Bell v. TavistockI have a million thoughts to share on Bell v. Tavistock, the decision from the UK High Court which stated that by-and-large youths 13 or…Dec 1, 20203Dec 1, 20203
Le projet de loi 70 doit protéger les jeunes trans: Une perspective scientifiqueEn tant qu’universitaires bénéficiant d’une expertise importante sur le sujet des thérapies de conversion et de la santé des personnes…Nov 24, 2020Nov 24, 2020
Jordan Peterson is mistaken about gender identityIn his contribution to the National Post published on June 21st, Jordan Peterson argues that those arguing in favour of trans recognition…Jun 24, 20194Jun 24, 20194
McGill University’s Hiring of Sahar SadjadiThe McGill University Department of Anthropology’s hiring of Sahar Sadjadi strikes me as ill-conceived. At a time when we’re finally…Jun 18, 20194Jun 18, 20194
L’approche trans-affirmative est meilleure pour tout le monde: faire le point sur le reportage de…J’ai lu le reportage d’Émilie Dubreuil sur la détransition, publié parRadio-Canada, avec attention et scepticisme. J’avais été interviewée…May 14, 2019May 14, 2019
Richard Green wasn’t an ally to trans communities: a controversial legacyThe psychiatrist Richard Green passed away earlier this April. In obituaries for The Guardian, The New York Times, and The Advocate, he…May 10, 20193May 10, 20193