4 min readMay 26, 2023

Title: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Blob Storage Account and Uploading Images/Files on Azure

Introduction: In today’s digital age, storing and managing large amounts of data, such as images or files, is essential. Azure Blob storage provides a scalable and cost-effective solution for storing unstructured data in the cloud. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a Blob storage account on Azure and demonstrate how to upload images or files. So, let’s dive in!

Prerequisites To follow along with this tutorial, you'll need the following:

An Azure account: Sign up for a free account if you don't already have one.

Azure Portal access: You'll need access to the Azure Portal to create resources.

Step 1: Create a Blob Storage Account

Log in to the Azure Portal


Click on "Create a resource" in the upper-left corner.

Search for "Storage account" and select it from the results.

Click on the "Create" button to begin creating a new storage account.

Diagram 1: Creating a Blob Storage Account

Provide the necessary details:

Subscription: Select your subscription.

Resource group: Create a new one or choose an existing one.

Storage account name: Enter a unique name for your storage account.

Location: Choose the region closest to you.

Performance: Standard is recommended for most scenarios.

Account kind: Select "BlobStorage" for Blob storage accounts.

Replication: Choose the replication option that suits your needs.

Access tier: Choose "Hot" or "Cool" based on data access patterns.

Click on "Review + Create" to review your settings.

After reviewing, click on "Create" to create the storage account.

Diagram 2: Specifying Storage Account Details

Wait for the deployment to complete. Once done, you'll see a notification indicating successful deployment.

Step 2: Create a Blob Container

Go to the newly created storage account's overview page.

In the left-hand menu, under "Blob service," click on "Containers."

Click on the "+ Container" button to create a new container.

Diagram 3: Creating a Blob Container

Provide the required details:

Name: Enter a unique name for the container.

Public access level: Choose "Private" to restrict access.

Click on "OK" to create the container.

Diagram 4: Specifying Container Details

Step 3: Uploading Images or Files to Blob Storage

In the Azure Portal, navigate to the container you created in Step 2.

Click on the container's name to open it.

In the container view, click on the "+ Upload" button to start uploading files.

Diagram 5: Uploading Files to Blob Storage

In the file upload dialog, select the images or files you want to upload from your local machine.

Wait for the upload process to complete. You'll see progress indicators for each file.

Once uploaded, the files will appear in the container view.

Diagram 6: Uploaded Files in Blob Storage

Step 4: Accessing and Managing Blob Storage

To access the uploaded files, you can use various methods such as Azure Storage Explorer, Azure CLI, Azure SDKs, or directly through code.

For example, if you're using Azure Storage Explorer, you can install it on your Device and connect to your storage account. From there, you can browse and manage the uploaded files easily.

Conclusion: Congratulations! You have successfully created a Blob storage account on Azure and learned how to upload images or files to it. Azure Blob storage offers a reliable and scalable solution for storing unstructured data in the cloud. With the uploaded files accessible through various methods, you can now leverage Azure’s capabilities to further process, analyze, or share your data. Explore the vast possibilities of Azure Blob storage to enhance your applications and workflows.

Remember to monitor your storage account usage and consider implementing relevant security measures to protect your data. Stay tuned for more Azure-related tutorials and explore additional features and functionalities of Blob storage for even greater flexibility and efficiency.

Happy Blobbing!