A Journey: The Things We Tell No One

Florence Wele
2 min readJun 15, 2024


Making space for the things you pray for

God is fighting for me, not in a battle against others, but as a father in dear need to restore one to Himself and somehow, I think He is fighting me. You might think this a good thing, and I should very much be pleased, but I am not. It’s a painful restoration, with Him taking everything I think I have ever placed above him, and though I am in a good place, I often wonder, what next?

It is not the affairs of my life that brings me to you or is causing me to write to you, I do not consider my life an interesting tale and I will save you from its bore, but in parables, we shall find wisdom in ordinary things.

Maybe not a revelation but a reminder that you ought to be making space for the things you have prayed for, reminiscing is very much comfortable but it can sometimes signal stagnation.

Having said this, I pray you find strength, and perhaps ease, if and when it comes. But I must warn that in making space you do this joyfully, without hate or envy for it rips off the experience of the good in this act.

I have shared this on Instagram and will say it to you again

Maybe it is time you build for yourself a garden with plants that you love. Getting rid of thorns and weeds. Allowing the right amount of water and sunlight. Maybe it is time you add colors to your life.

I may not know you personally, however, I wish you well, and may your journey through life bring you fulfillment.

At this time, this is the beginning of the things we tell no one, however, if there are people you would like to tell, I would not consider it gossip but the sharing of a gospel.

In the meantime, follow me and I will make you a…

Until next time, farewell.

