The OSI Model: An In-Depth Guide to its Components

Florentina Antigha
4 min readOct 26, 2023


The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model is a conceptual framework used to describe how data is transmitted over a network and how different networking technologies function and communicate with each other. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed it in the late 1970s. The OSI model consists of seven layers, each with unique functionality to enable efficient network communication between devices.

An image displaying the 7 layers of the OSI model

Layer 1: Physical Layer

The physical layer is the lowest layer of the OSI model. It involves establishing the actual physical link between devices. This layer specifies how the different devices or nodes are arranged in a network (bus, star, or mesh topology) as well as how the data is transmitted between two connected devices (simplex, half-duplex, or full-duplex). This layer also includes protocols that govern data transmission over the media, such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or fiber-optic cables. Within the physical layer, data is represented in binary (0s and 1s). The physical layer takes the received signal, converts it into binary code, and forwards this information to the data link layer, which then reassembles the data frame.

Layer 2: Data-Link Layer

The data link layer provides a reliable and error-free transfer of data frames between network nodes. It ensures the integrity of the received data. This layer is divided into two sublayers: the Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer, which handles flow control and framing, and the Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer, responsible for addressing and accessing the network media.

Layer 3: Network Layer

This layer handles smart routing algorithms, IP addresses, and packet fragmentation. IP (Internet Protocol) and ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) are the two main protocols in this layer. It involves data packet fragmentation — the splitting of an original data packet into smaller pieces. This layer is also responsible for guiding data packets across multiple networks by placing the sender and receiver’s IP addresses in the network header. It sets up logical routes by selecting the shortest path to transmit the packet, making sure that the data reaches its destination without getting lost.

Layer 4: Transport Layer

This layer is responsible for end-to-end communication between devices. The data in this layer is called a segment. It guarantees reliable data transmission and ensures data is delivered error-free, sequentially, and without duplication. The transport layer is also responsible for flow control and error recovery, and it uses port numbers to direct data to the correct application or service. This layer makes the decision between TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) based on the required speed and reliability.

Layer 5: Session Layer

The session layer manages the creation, maintenance, and termination of sessions between network applications. It allows two systems to begin exchanging data in either full-duplex or half-duplex modes. It allows synchronization checkpoints and enables the recovery of interrupted sessions. This layer also handles authentication and security mechanisms required for secure communication.

Layer 6: Presentation Layer

Data from several systems can be exchanged because the presentation layer handles data translation (from ASCII to EBCDIC, for example), representation, encryption, and compression (which lowers the amount of data that needs to be transferred). This layer ensures that the receiving system correctly understands the data sent by the sending system. This layer uses JPEG and SSL/TLS standards and is crucial for encryption and multimedia.

Layer 7: Application Layer

The application layer is the highest in the OSI model. It includes all the protocols and services needed for specific applications and is the layer that is closest to the end user. It offers users an interface to access network services such as file transfers, online surfing, and sending emails. At this layer, protocols such as FTP, SMTP, and HTTP operate. These protocols ensure reliable and efficient communication between the end user and the network services.

In summary, the OSI model is a conceptual framework that enables us to understand the flow of data via a network. It is divided into seven distinct layers, each with a unique function. Every layer in a network — from the physical layer to the application layer — contributes significantly to ensuring that data is transmitted reliably and efficiently across the network. It is crucial to note that not all networking protocols and technologies used in the real world perfectly fit into these seven layers. The Internet Protocol Suite, also referred to as TCP/IP, serves as the basis for the contemporary internet and bears resemblance to the OSI model’s layer structure, albeit not exactly. Understanding the OSI model and its layers is crucial for anyone who wants to design, maintain, or troubleshoot networks.

