What is a ZKRollup

Floriaan Zweerts
3 min readFeb 21, 2023


Zero-information rollups, or zkRollups for short, are one of the most encouraging answers for Ethereums largest problem, scaling.

What is scaling? In Layman’s terms, this is the process of expanding the network’s processing capabilities so that each of its nodes can handle a higher transactional throughput which was becoming a real challenge for the Ethereum blockchain, popular by demand.

The reason why Ethereum transactions are often slow and very expensive…not enough room, basically like in a traffic jam. So ZK rollups were developed to offer a solution in a Layer 2 way. In short, A ZK-rollup chain is an off-chain protocol that operates on top of the Ethereum blockchain and is managed by on-chain Ethereum smart contracts.

These rollups utilize zero-information proofs to package numerous transactions together, diminishing the computational expense, aka gas fees in real money and speeding up blockchain exchanges.

In a customary blockchain, each hub needs to store and approve each transaction on the chain. This is difficult for versatility, as the sheer number of transactions can rapidly overpower the network and why Ethereum can be very expensive to transact on, even for the smallest transactions, driving people crazy sometimes…the discords are full of those sentiments, the block becomes full and over crowded basically with transactions in process. In any case, with zkRollups, various transactions are packaged together into a solitary transaction, decreasing the general number of transactions that need to be validated and processed by the network.

To guarantee the legitimacy of the transaction in the group, zkRollups utilize a zero-information proof. This is a cryptographic method that permits a prover to show information on a specific snippet of data, without uncovering some other data about it. On account of zkRollups, this implies that the legitimacy of the exchanges can be demonstrated without uncovering any of the exchange information itself. This gives a serious level of safety and security, while as yet permitting the exchanges to be handled rapidly and productively.

One of the main advantages of zkRollups is that they can support a wide range of applications, including decentralized exchanges, gaming, and other DeFi protocols. These applications often require a high degree of throughput and low transaction fees, which can be achieved with zkRollups. Additionally, zkRollups can be used with Ethereum and other blockchain networks, making it a highly versatile solution.

Another key benefit of zkRollups is that they are highly secure. By using zero-knowledge proofs, zkRollups provide strong guarantees that the bundled transactions are valid and that the integrity of the network is maintained. This makes it more difficult for attackers to manipulate or compromise the network, providing increased trust and confidence for users.

In conclusion, zkRollups are a highly promising solution for scaling blockchain networks as a layer 2 (see it as floating above the blockchain as a layer) By bundling multiple transactions together and using zero-knowledge proofs to validate them, zkRollups can greatly increase the speed and efficiency of blockchain transactions while maintaining a high degree of security and privacy

examples of 2 zkRollups Loopring (loopring.io) and ZKsync (zksync.io)

What the future (now in 2023) is..is that zkRollups have the potential to transform the size and room for transactions quite exponentially, a real solution, breathing room for Ethereum.. just like in a shop, it can fit more customers, and what happens if a shop if its full.. customers will look elsewhere, so ZkRollups and their development provide an answer, also making them an interesting proposal for investors.

