Unraveling the Mystery: Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men?

Flori Bercus
3 min readApr 1, 2024

In the intricate tapestry of human life expectancy, one thread stands out boldly: women consistently outlive men. Statistically, the disparity is evident, with the average life expectancy of women towering over that of men. But what exactly accounts for this enduring phenomenon?

The answer, it seems, lies deep within the fundamental blueprint of our existence: our genes. From the moment of conception, the disparity begins to manifest itself. Male fetuses, it’s noted, face a higher mortality rate compared to their female counterparts. While the reasons for this discrepancy are multifaceted, one significant factor emerges: the genetic composition.

At the heart of this genetic divergence are the sex chromosomes. Women, possessing two X chromosomes, inherently harbor a richer genetic reservoir compared to men, who carry just one X chromosome alongside a Y chromosome. This discrepancy in genetic content is not merely quantitative but qualitative as well. The X chromosome boasts a wealth of crucial genes vital for various physiological processes and cellular functions. In contrast, the Y chromosome, while playing a pivotal role in determining male sex characteristics, pales in comparison concerning the sheer abundance and diversity of genes.



Flori Bercus

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