Blue Cornflower: Types, Growth, Care & More

3 min readDec 13, 2023

The Blue Cornflower, also known as the national flower of Germany, originates from Europe, symbolizing happiness. Originally a wildflower, it has been domesticated over the years, shedding its untamed qualities and blossoming into larger, more vibrant hues, with varieties in purple, blue, light red, and white, of which purple and blue are particularly treasured.

Traces of the Blue Cornflower can be found everywhere in Germany, from slopes and fields to watersides, roadsides, and home gardens. With its elegant colors, beautiful shape, fragrant aroma, and tenacious vitality, the Blue Cornflower has won the admiration and love of the German people, earning its status as a national symbol.

Characteristics and Features

The Blue Cornflower is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant, growing 30–70 cm tall or taller, erect, branching from the middle, and rarely unbranched. All stems are grey-white, covered with thin, cobweb-like curls. Basal and lower stem leaves are elongate-elliptic to lanceolate or ovate, unlobed, with smooth or sparsely serrated to coarsely pinnate edges.

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