Exploring Chrysanthemum Types: Shapes, Colors, and More!

3 min readNov 25, 2023

What types of chrysanthemums are there? Chrysanthemums are perennial herbaceous plants in the Asteraceae family and Chrysanthemum genus. There are several cultivated types based on the appearance of the petals, including rounded, retreating, flipping, chaotic, exposed, and flying.

Within these types, there are a variety of named chrysanthemum varieties. So, what are the morphological features of chrysanthemums? Let’s take a look with us.

Types of Chrysanthemums

1. Classification by Blooming Season

Summer chrysanthemums: Also known as May and September chrysanthemums, blooming twice a year in May and September according to the traditional Chinese calendar. Nowadays, with protective facilities, they can bloom in May and October of the Gregorian calendar.

Autumn chrysanthemums: These have early and late blooming periods. Early autumn chrysanthemums bloom in mid to late September and are medium-sized, while late autumn chrysanthemums bloom from October to November and are larger, making them the most commonly cultivated autumn chrysanthemums.

Winter chrysanthemums: Also known as cold chrysanthemums, they bloom from December to January the following year.

2. Classification by Flower Diameter

Large chrysanthemums: The diameter of the flower is above 10 cm, and they are often used for multi-stem and specimen cultivation.

Medium chrysanthemums: The diameter of the flower is between 6 and 10 cm. These are often used for flower bed and large standing chrysanthemum cultivation.

Small chrysanthemums: The diameter of the flower is below 6 cm. They are star-shaped and suitable for pot chrysanthemums, cliff chrysanthemums, and bonsai chrysanthemums, etc., for garden decoration or display.

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