Learn About The Carnation: Basics, Types, Growth & Care, Value and More

2 min readJul 20, 2023


The Carnation, a perennial herbaceous plant from the Caryophyllaceae family and Dianthus genus, is a common name for a variety of garden varieties within the Dianthus genus. It is cherished for its beauty, charm, clove-like fragrance, and enduring freshness.

Since 1907, the pink Carnation has become the symbol of Mother’s Day, making it a popular flower gifted to mothers. It is one of the most commonly used flowers worldwide. Carnations grow to be 70–100 cm tall, and flowers are typically solitary, arranged in a corymb.

The corolla is hemispherical, the calyx is tubular, the bud is acorn-shaped, the petals are fan-shaped, and the inner petals often appear wrinkled. The flowers come in various colors, such as bright red, pink, goose yellow, white, deep red, and even multicolored ones like agate.

Basic Introduction

Carnation: As a perennial herbaceous plant from the Caryophyllaceae family and Dianthus genus, Carnation is a common name for a variety of garden varieties within the Dianthus genus. The plant grows 70–100 cm tall, with a semi-woody base.

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