Why Treating Cooling Towers Legionella is a must ?

Flow Matrix
3 min readFeb 18, 2020


Legionella is a deadly bacteria that grows in water and causes acute respiratory infection. This usually happens when the water in the cooling towers is left untreated. Legionella outbreak occurred in July of 1976 where over 200 cases were reported and 40 people died.Since then it has become a necessary measure to keep a check on the growth of this bacteria, especially by treating the water of the cooling towers. To treat cooling tower Legionella, hire a company like FlowMatrix which specializes in the repair, inspection, installation, and maintenance of cooling towers, for industrial and commercial setups.

What is Legionella?

Legionella is a bacteria which causes a potentially fatal respiratory infection termed as Legionellosis. It is a bacteria that is a species of gram-negative aerobic bacteria. Around 90% of Legionellosis is caused by legionella pneumophilia, as per the American Society of Microbiology. This bacteria is prevalent in soil and water.

It is present in low numbers in natural water bodies like lakes, rivers, streams, etc. and are harmless. But, when given the ideal environment i.e. warm water with microorganisms, nutrients, and other foulants, this bacteria multiply at a high rate and increase the risk of it spreading. Normally, this bacteria has a tendency to grow in slime (biofilms) which is present in stagnant waters or water in the low flow areas. And if the surrounding of such areas has the human population then they are at a very high risk of getting infected with Legionella.

Legionnaires’ Disease

This disease was named after the major outbreak of Legionella bacteria in July 1976. This severe pneumonia occurred to a group of people at the American Legion Convention at Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia. The outbreak of this disease happens when more people become sick at the same place and at the same time. For example, building like hospitals has multiple and complicated water systems, moreover many people who are sick and with weak immunity stay there, and are more prone to the risk of Legionella infection.

Legionella in Cooling Towers

Legionella spreads widely in cooling towers, hot tubs, portable drinking water tanks, and fountains. The major hotspots are the places where water is left untreated and warm, or can become misted or aerosolized. The temperature range of this bacteria breeding is 72 degrees F and 113 degrees F. Legionella bacteria gets killed in very high temperatures. But, cooling towers are the places where water is warm and serves as an ideal breeding ground for this bacteria.

Thus, these cooling towers must be properly cleaned and water must be treated. Since these towers work on diffusing heat, the air adds on to its growth. This is a reason the cooling towers are not allowed to be installed near windows that are open. If algae or scales is present in the water, you can be sure that it’s a warning sign.

Cleaning of Cooling Towers and Water Treatment

There are ways with which you can keep the cooling tower legionella bacteria at bay. It requires perfect engineering and water treatment techniques during the installation, operation, and maintenance of cooling tower systems. The cooling towers must be treated with dual biocide program, which implies using an oxidizing and non-oxidizing biocide.

It is also important to get the cooling towers and evaporative condensers regularly inspected and checked to prevent the growth of bacteria. All the parts which have corroded must be timely removed. Hire a technician who can supervise the cleaning work of cooling towers. FlowMatrix is a company which has proficient experts, trained in legionella remediation. You can get the water of your cooling tower tested by them and if they find Legionella in the water, they have efficient methods of sterilizing the systems.



Flow Matrix

We are one of the leading cooling tower companies specialising in cooling tower parts, repair, maintenance & installation in Melbourne, Sydney & Australia.