Is fluoride free toothpaste better for you

Fluoride India
3 min readNov 18, 2015


Is fluoride free toothpaste better for you

Ever bothered to find what your toothpaste tube tells you? It is likely that you did not notice the warning disclaimer on it.

Most of the toothpastes are not recommended for children under 6 years of age. Also, it mentions that in case of an emergency due to its excessive ingestion, consult a doctor.

Read further with patience if the last statement made you scrutinize your toothpaste brand.

It kind of gives a blow to what you have known since some time. Until now you must have heard that Fluoride is something that is good for your pearly whites. But the reality is that going overboard with it causes Fluorosis.

Unlike the general wisdom, Fluorosis is not caused by the deficiency of Fluoride. It is rather caused by its overdose.

What exactly is Fluoride ?

Fluoride is an inorganic ion of Fluorine. It occurs in an ionic state in the natural fresh water bodies. It finds its use in the steel making and fluorocarbon making industry. In general usage, fluoride compounds are the cavity fighters in any common toothpaste brand.

Why Fluoride is a culprit then ?

There are two schools of thought regarding the role of Fluoride in dental circuits. Many believe that it prevents the tooth decay. It does the following:

  • reduces the potency of bacteria’s acid creation, so as to prevent tooth decay
  • clings to the tooth enamel to make it resistant to potential acid attack

On the contrary, there are numerous studies that opine just the opposite. They claim that the Fluoride induces dental problems rather than preventing them.

If you are scratching your head reading this, then recall one age old adage. Too much of anything is good for nothing.

In fact, in the case of fluoride, too much of it is bad at an obnoxious level. Read the harmful effects of excessive fluoride intake below:

  • softening of the enamel making it hyper-sensitive
  • discoloured, scarred and brittle teeth
  • causes toxicity, more in children (already mentioned by the toothpaste manufacturer)
  • becomes lethal overtime causing damage to brain, skeletal and endocrine system
  • causes lower IQ levels in humans. Also hampers the neurological development in children

Moreover, apart from the toothpaste, the water that we drink is also fluoridated. That means there is Fluoride fortification in an attempt to improve oral hygiene. It is similar to the concept of adding Iodine to the table salt. Its addition prevents cretinism and thyroid diseases like Goitre. In a similar way, addition of Fluoride is believed to prevent dental abnormalities.

But little did we know that the ingestion of this element does not do any good. In fact it is its topical application that can be of some use (if any).

But again the debate remains as to how much is too much. Some economies suggest 0.7 mg/L as the ideal concentration in water. At this level, they believe it to be optimal for oral hygiene without any harm. But little do we know how much is its concentration in your tap water. Or for that matter in your favourite toothpaste.

This leaves you with the mere option of the damage tell-tale signs to show up for a confirmation. So, observing any discolored pale lines in your teeth can alarm you. In fact that is much easier than finding out the dwindling IQ numbers amongst us all!

So let us say you identify Fluoride toxicity in you, then what next?

Chances are that your dentist or doctor will shrug your disbelief in Fluoride. In medical terms, Fluorosis is a mere cosmetic inadequacy.

Though if you wish to take the matter in your own hands, then consider the following:

  • switch to a non-fluoridate toothpaste
  • test your water for fluoride, and if water has high fluoride, shift to a safer source

By the way, Fluoride is the most electronegative element in the periodic table. Even if we do not bother to find out what that means, the suffix NEGATIVE makes an impact in itself.

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We are a dedicated team of Fluoride experts who strive to update solutions and for Fluorosis problems. More about us here.

