Custom Page Route Transitions in Flutter: Adding Flair to Your App Navigation

Flutter Dev Agency
2 min readAug 13, 2023


Flutter, Google’s UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications, provides developers with a rich set of tools and capabilities for creating beautiful and performant mobile apps. One of the key aspects of mobile app development is navigation between different screens or pages within the app. Flutter offers a variety of built-in page route transitions, but sometimes you may want to create custom transitions to add a unique touch to your app. In this blog post, we will explore how to implement custom page route transitions in Flutter.

1. Understanding Page Route Transitions in Flutter:
— In Flutter, a page route represents a screen or a page within the app.
— Page route transitions define how screens transition from one to another, including animations and visual effects.

2. Built-in Page Route Transitions in Flutter:
— Flutter provides several built-in page route transitions, such as MaterialPageRoute, CupertinoPageRoute, and SlideTransition.
— These transitions offer predefined animations, such as sliding, fading, or scaling, when navigating between screens.

3. Implementing Custom Page Route Transitions:
— To create custom page route transitions, you can leverage Flutter’s animation framework.
— Start by defining a custom PageRouteBuilder and overriding the buildTransitions method.
— Inside the buildTransitions method, you can use various animation classes, such as Tween, CurvedAnimation, and AnimatedBuilder, to create unique transition effects.
— You can animate properties like opacity, scale, position, and more to achieve the desired effect.

4. Example: Fade Transition:
— Let’s take a simple example of implementing a fade transition between two screens.
— Define a custom PageRouteBuilder and override the buildTransitions method.
— Use the Opacity widget to animate the opacity of the incoming and outgoing screens.
— Wrap the Opacity widget with an AnimatedBuilder to control the animation using the provided animation object.

5. Example: Slide Transition:
— Another popular custom transition is a slide transition, where the new screen slides in from a specific direction.
— Define a custom PageRouteBuilder and override the buildTransitions method.
— Use the SlideTransition widget along with a Tween animation to control the position of the incoming and outgoing screens.
— Customize the slide direction and duration to achieve the desired effect.

6. Combining Custom Transitions with Hero Animations:
— Flutter also provides the Hero widget, which allows for smooth transitions between elements on different screens.
— You can combine custom page route transitions with Hero animations to create stunning visual effects, such as image or text transitions.

Creating custom page route transitions in Flutter gives you the freedom to add personality and flair to your app’s navigation. By leveraging Flutter’s animation framework, you can create unique and engaging transitions between screens. Whether it’s a fade, slide, or any other custom effect, Flutter provides the tools to bring your app’s navigation to life. So go ahead and experiment with custom page route transitions to make your app stand out from the crowd!

Also Read:
How to animate a page route transition in Flutter
How to create slide transitions in Flutter



Flutter Dev Agency

We specialize in Flutter app development services. With our expertise in cross-platform development, UI/UX design, and backend integration.