Application Developer Interview Questions: Hire the Best

What the Flutter
9 min readNov 20, 2023


Application Developer Interview Questions

In the vast realm of technology, the role of an application developer is pivotal. An application developer is a professional responsible for designing, creating, and implementing computer and mobile applications. They focus on crafting software experiences tailored to specific platforms or devices, ensuring optimal performance, user experience, and functionality.

Software developers handle a broad range from system software to user apps. Application developers focus on specific software like mobile apps, web apps, or desktop applications. All application developers are software developers, but the reverse isn’t true.

As app development evolves and grows, businesses are actively seeking proficient developers. The interview process plays a pivotal role, enabling organizations to assess whether a developer possesses the expertise and experience in the relevant domains or technologies. This is especially true when looking for specific roles, such as when formulating interview questions for mobile app developers. Alongside technical capabilities, a developer’s soft skills and ability to collaborate effectively remain paramount.

This guide aims to equip businesses with insights and effective interview questions for application developers, ensuring a holistic assessment of potential candidates.

Application Developer Types

When hiring for tech roles, it’s crucial to recognize the diverse types and levels of developers. This distinction ensures that the hiring process is tailored to assess the specific skills and expertise relevant to each role.


Diving into the realm of application developers, we categorize them based on their specialization and platform expertise:

  • Mobile App Developers focus on crafting applications tailored for mobile devices. Their proficiency often spans platforms such as iOS, Android, and cross-platform solutions.
  • Web App Developers are dedicated to designing applications for web browsers, they ensure a consistent user experience across a myriad of browsers and devices.
  • Desktop App Developers create applications specifically for desktop environments, catering to systems like Windows, macOS, or Linux.
  • Flutter Developers, utilizing the Flutter framework, can craft applications for mobile, web, and desktop platforms, offering a unified experience across different devices.


An application developer is primarily responsible for designing the application’s architecture, developing it, testing for glitches, bugs, or security vulnerabilities, and maintaining it with regular updates. They also collaborate closely with UX/UI designers, product managers, and fellow developers to realize the application’s vision.

Levels of Expertise

Based on the depth of experience and skill set, app developers are also classified:

  • Junior developers possess foundational computer science knowledge and understand basic company processes. They handle simple tasks like basic UI design and often work under senior colleagues, still learning.
  • Middle developers are well-versed in computer science and their tech domain. Experienced in multiple projects, they manage tasks, conduct code reviews, and collaborate efficiently, playing a key role in projects.
  • Senior developers have extensive experience and deep tech understanding. They design system architectures, evaluate risks, make crucial decisions, and liaise with various stakeholders, showcasing their high expertise level.

Recognizing the distinctions between these roles is vital, especially during the hiring process. Different roles demand varied interview approaches, tailored to assess the specific skills and expertise relevant to each level. As we move forward, we’ll delve into the general structure of interviews.

Interview Structure

Begin the interview with a brief welcome to put the candidate at ease. This is a chance for both the interviewer and the interviewee to introduce themselves and set the tone for the rest of the interview.

1. Candidate’s Background and Experience Overview: Allow the developer to share their professional journey, highlighting their experiences, projects, and roles he has played. This gives insight into their hands-on experience and areas of expertise.

2. Technical Skill Evaluation: Delve into technology-specific questions based on the candidate’s resume and your project’s domain. This gauges their practical skills and problem-solving abilities.

3. Development and Management Processes: Explore the candidate’s experience with various development methodologies (like Agile or Waterfall) and management practices, such as code reviews, CI/CD, and sprint planning.

4. Behavioral and Situational Questions: Understand the developer’s soft skills, teamwork, and how they handle real-world challenges. Questions might include scenarios like handling conflicts in a team or managing tight deadlines.

Wrap up by thanking the candidate and outlining the next steps. Ensure the interview is interactive, giving the developer an opportunity to ask questions and understand the company better. The interview is not just about assessing the candidate but also showcasing your company’s culture and values.

Candidate’s Background and Experience Overview

When starting the interview, it’s essential to set a welcoming tone and encourage the developer to share about themselves. When discussing past experiences, it’s crucial to understand the developer’s role and contributions in their previous projects. Here are some tailored questions to delve deeper into their background:

  1. Can you briefly introduce yourself?
  2. How did you get started with a particular technology, and what drew you to it?
  3. Can you share a bit about your background in application development? What projects or applications have you worked on?
  4. In these projects, what was your specific role and the main responsibilities you held?
  5. What kind of tasks were you executing on a day-to-day basis?

These questions aim to provide a clearer picture of the developer’s hands-on experience, their problem-solving skills, and their ability to work collaboratively within a team setting. Aligning a developer’s experience with the specific requirements of the role is paramount. A good match ensures that the developer can hit the ground running, leading to more efficient development and fewer onboarding challenges.

Technical Skill Evaluation

The technical skill evaluation is an integral part of the developer interview process, designed to gauge a candidate’s foundational knowledge, hands-on expertise, and problem-solving skills. Questions related to data structures, algorithms, concurrency and asynchrony, and language fundamentals will be contingent on the stack of technologies required for the position. The depth and specifics of the questions will vary based on the role.

Here’s some universal topics and sample questions that are relevant across different platforms and frameworks.

1. Software Design Principles

What are the SOLID principles in software design?

Answer: The SOLID principles are a set of five design guidelines that help developers create maintainable and scalable software. They emphasize having a single responsibility for each class, ensuring classes are open for extension but closed for modification, making sure subclasses are interchangeable with their base class, avoiding forcing classes to use unnecessary methods, and depending on abstractions rather than concrete implementations.‌

2. Object-Oriented Programming

Can you list and briefly explain the four main principles of OOP?

Answer: The four main principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) are Encapsulation, which bundles data and methods into a single unit; Inheritance, which allows one class to inherit traits from another; Polymorphism, which lets one interface be used for various data types; and Abstraction, which hides complex implementation details and shows only the essential features.

3. Database Management

What’s the difference between relational and non-relational databases?

Answer: Relational databases use tables with defined columns and rows to store data, typically queried using SQL. In contrast, non-relational databases, often called NoSQL databases, have a more flexible data storage approach, which can include document-based, graph-based, or key-value storage, among others.

4. Architectural Patterns

What’s the MVC architecture, and why is it beneficial in app development?

Answer: MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. It divides the application into three interconnected components, promoting separation of concerns, making it easier to manage, maintain, and scale.

5. State Management

Can you explain the concept of “state management” in app development?

Answer: State management involves handling data that represents the UI’s current condition. It ensures that the application responds correctly to user interactions and system events, maintaining data consistency.

6. Testing

What’s the difference between “unit testing” and “integration testing”?

Answer: Unit testing focuses on individual components or functions, ensuring they work as intended in isolation. Integration testing, on the other hand, checks the interactions between integrated components or systems.

7. Development and Deployment

How do CI/CD benefit the app development process?

Answer: CI/CD, or Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment, automates the integration of code changes and ensures continuous delivery of applications to production, promoting faster releases and high-quality software.

During the technical evaluation, it’s essential to gauge not just the candidate’s knowledge but also their problem-solving approach. Ensure to tailor questions to the specific role and technology stack you’re hiring for, and pay attention to the depth and clarity of the candidate’s answers.

Development and Management Processes

Understanding a developer’s experience with both development and management processes is crucial. It provides insights into their adaptability, familiarity with best practices, and their potential fit within your team’s workflow. Here are some questions that can help you gauge their experience:

  1. Can you share the internal coding standards you’ve adhered to in previous roles?
  2. How have you handled code reviews? What do you typically look for when reviewing another developer’s code?
  3. What has been your involvement with merge requests? How do you ensure they’re handled efficiently?
  4. What software tools have you used for project management? How did they aid in the project’s success?
  5. Could you describe a typical sprint in your previous role? How were daily stand-ups, retrospectives, and sprint reviews conducted?

These questions aim to uncover the depth of the candidate’s experience and their ability to integrate into and possibly enhance your existing processes.

Behavioural and Situational Questions

Behavioural and situational questions aim to understand a developer’s soft skills, teamwork dynamics, and their approach to real-world challenges. Let’s take a closer look at what to look for during an interview.

1. Resilience and adaptability

Describe a situation where you worked on a task or feature that ultimately wasn’t released. How did you handle it?

It’s essential to see if they can handle disappointment and how they pivot from such situations.

2. Problem-solving skills and resourcefulness

If you’re faced with a tight deadline and a limited budget, how would you approach the project?

It’s crucial to understand their prioritization methods and how they handle pressure.

3. Communication skills and conflict resolution

How do you handle situations where you disagree with a decision made by your team lead or manager?

It’s vital to gauge their respect for authority while also valuing their own insights.

4. Time management and organizational skills

How do you prioritize your tasks when faced with multiple impending deadlines?

It’s crucial to understand their methods for ensuring all tasks are completed efficiently.

5. Creativity and initiative

Describe a time when you were assigned a task you didn’t know how to implement. How did you approach it?

It’s crucial to determine their approach to learning and how they navigate challenges outside their comfort zone.

When posing these questions, it’s essential to delve deeper into the candidate’s responses. Follow-up questions can provide invaluable insights into their thought process and decision-making abilities.

While technical skills are often at the forefront, the right behavioral fit can be the core for long-term success. A candidate’s soft skills can significantly influence team dynamics, project execution, and overall organizational harmony. Thus, finding a suitable candidate in terms of behavior and character is as crucial as their technical prowess.

Tips for Effective Interviewing

Conducting an interview is as much about assessing a candidate’s skills as it is about representing your company in the best light. Here are some general tips to ensure a productive and respectful interview process:

  • Clarify the Tech Stack: Always specify the required technology stack beforehand. This sets clear expectations and ensures the candidate can prepare adequately.
  • Tailor to the Resume: Customize your questions based on the candidate’s resume. This shows you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in their experience.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Instead of bombarding the candidate with numerous questions, focus on fewer but more insightful ones. This allows for deeper, more meaningful answers.
  • Maintain Neutrality: Approach the interview without biases. Avoid giving undue praise as it can set false expectations. Remember, your goal is to assess, not to flatter.
  • Empathy is Key: Understand that interviews can be nerve-wracking. Be kind and patient, ensuring the candidate feels comfortable.
  • Provide Feedback: Constructive feedback is invaluable, not just for the candidate’s growth but also for upholding your company’s reputation. Whether positive or negative, timely feedback reflects professionalism.

Remember, the way you conduct an interview speaks volumes about your company’s culture and values. Ensure it’s a positive reflection.


A well-structured interview process is essential for identifying candidates who not only have the right technical skills but also resonate with a company’s values and culture. By emphasising both technical and behavioural facets, businesses can ensure they bring on board developers who will positively influence team dynamics, project results, and overarching organisational objectives.

As the tech landscape continually evolves, securing the right talent becomes paramount. For those seeking top-tier application developers skilled in creating apps across mobile, web, and desktop platforms, What the Flutter stands as a reliable partner. Considering the intricacies of hiring, our flutter app development agency strives to streamline the process by recommending professionals that fit your project requirements.

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