Questions after d10e conference

Fluz App
4 min readDec 4, 2017


It has been a bit more than two weeks after Fluz Fluz d10e conference in Davos. After this conference we have been experiencing an increase both in new member count and questions. Here are some important questions regarding the project and answers to them accordingly:

After the current ICO, is expansion to other countries planned besides USA? Would current premier seats benefit from the expansion or there will be additional premier seats for expansion countries?

Sky is the limit. Planned network will be Global, we are just starting with USA. So all future countries go beneath the premier seat holders after the launch.

Also we were asked to elaborate on the question on why we are moving on to blockchain. Especially since the project is already working in Colombia without issues

Besides the tradability of cashback rewards and Fluz tokens to activate premier seats, gift card security and network transparency as well as transaction cost reduction are some of the blockchain powered elements we tend to implement.

Fluz Fluz model is already up and running in an off-chain environment, but intends to switch gradually to the blockchain technology in order to sustain the scale-up to a global consumer cash-back network based on digital gift cards. We recognize that blockchain is an evolving technology and that the current eco-system of traditional third party merchants and consumers will only allow us to implement a transformative vision of the rewards industry in a stepby-step approach.

As our business uses digital gift cards as the means of payment, we have detected several factors for the use of blockchain that will strengthen the operations. In our case these are:

  • Tokenization of the rewards and therefore tradability of accumulated cash-back rewards.
  • Gift card issuance on-chain and inventory control. On-chain gift cards are less prone to misuse than classic digital cards.
  • Reduction of the transaction cost through blockchain based payment methods. The more we can save on transaction cost through elimination of incumbent intermediaries, the more cash back rewards can be distributed to the consumers.

There are more reasons for a gradual shift towards blockchain in our model, this is just to name few. It is also important to understand that the current ICO focuses on Fluz premier seat tokens and it’s attractiveness is quite unrelated to these advantages of blockchain technology adoption.

Assuming the position of a Tier1 passive seat. Automatically filled means some seats will earn more than other depending on their network. Correct?

We want to be as conservative as possible so there are no rules that favour some specific type of users. However depending on the consumption level of their network, some will earn more than others.

What is the benefit for the people who will not get premier seats?

Everyone in Fluz Fluz network makes money including those Fluzzers not in a premier seat. So everyone is incentivized to build his/her own consumer network. Premier seats are better positioned to build up faster hence quicker reaching significant levels of cash back due to the positioning at the origin/genesis of the global network.

Do other users (besides Tier1 and Tier2) benefit from auto-fill?

Yes, all users benefit from auto-fill. The mechanism is the same for everyone, however keep in mind that auto-fill is a horizontal process filling all the seats of the current level before moving to the next one, so it will take more time to fill outer layers. Tier1 and Tier2 seats will benefit more because of the proximity to the center.

What are Fluz Fluz goals for the next year? And 2019 respectively?

As mentioned on our website, once the Token sale is successfully finished, Fluz Fluz will start its launch preparations for the for the US consumer market entry as well as the security token license obtention process.

Based on past experience and the Fluz Fluz existing operational bases, we target an operational launch in the United States for Mid 2018 supported by elements from the blockchain technology outlined in the whitepaper.

Here is the roadmap:

And here are our projections for our membership expectations, based on Colombian network statistics and trends in the global e-commerce markets:

The projected member growth curve follows a typical exponential curve, where after a while with the business model entrenching into the shopping culture, the virality of the model kicks in fully.

See more info in our whitepaper here.

Join our Telegram group if you have any other questions or if you are interested in updates from our community and team here: Fluz Fluz Telegram

If you didn’t have time to catch d10e conference, watch a recording of the presentation on YouTube.



Fluz App

Fluz, the payment app that keeps giving back. Earn money while you use Fluz to pay, and keep earning whenever your friends do.